Page 118 of One Hot Summer

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I meet his gaze, as defiant as ever. “No fucking way,” I swear, as if I have something to prove. And maybe I do. Not to Noah, though, so much as myself. “I never should have been with him in the first place, but... No. The other night was a one time-thing.”

Noah watches me skeptically.

“One time, only,” I qualify.

Noah’s perfectly straight nose flares, as if he’s looking for another fight or something. “He’s never put his hands on you like that before? Because I swear to fucking God—”

“No,” I promise him, shaking my head adamantly to drive home the point.

We stare at each other for a full minute, Noah trying to sort me out—deciding if I’m telling the truth or not—and me trying to convey that I am not a fucking victim. That I would never stay with a guy who treated me that way.

I sigh. “Look, Jonah’s not all bad, I swear. I don’t know what got into him the other night, but at this point, I don’t really care. I sure as hell won’t be giving him an opportunity to do it a second time, that’s for sure.

Noah nods slowly, before blowing out a long, pent-up breath. “Good.”

“Is that why you came by? To make sure I don’t take Jonah back?”

“Sure,” he says unconvincingly. “And, besides, you were on my way to the beach.” Noah shrugs.

But I’m not on the way. His family’s beach house is over on Utah Street. I’m out of his way, and he knows it. I can’t help my small smirk. “I’m at least a half-mile out of your way, actually. I think you just wanted to see me.” I quip, unsure where this flirtatious bravery is even coming from.

Noah bites his bottom lip, his own smirk countering mine. “Actually, I’m staying with Randy, remember? He’s on Alabama.” His eyebrows raise in challenge.

My heart sinks into my stomach, which flutters with embarrassment. Oh, right. Well, I’ve just made an epic fool of myself.

“In fact, I walked by yesterday, too, but wasn’t sure you’d want me to bother you.”

Bother me? I’d laugh out loud if I wasn’t currently breaking out in a full-body blush. I guess that was him I saw though my window yesterday, after all.

But even if he’s only staying two streets over, it is a small detour to turn down my block. “Interesting route to the beach, walking a block in the opposite direction...”

Noah breaks out into a full smile, and it’s utterly brilliant. “Touche, smartass. You win. I wanted to check in on you.”

I smile in victory, but it’s dulled as Noah’s humored expression is suddenly colored somber.

His tone softens. “The other night was a lot, Liza.”

As if I need another reminder. I still wear enough of them on my skin, only hidden by the long, still-damp hair—placed carefully over my shoulders—and beneath the three quarter-sleeve-tee it’s far too hot to actually wear outdoors.

“I’m fine,” I murmur, making a conscious effort to stop myself from fingering the offending marks, and drawing Noah’s attention to them, and, presumably, his strange ire.

“Hey,” he whispers, drawing my gaze back to his. “I did have another reason I wanted to stop by.


“Well, I...” He hesitates again, nerves that seem completely out of place on Noah Reed slipping back into his tone. “I guess I was wondering if you had plans today.”


“ Not really,” I answer honestly.

“’Not really’?” he questions.

“I mean, other than hanging around the house and avoiding my ex.” I accentuate the last word, making myself, and my earlier point, clear.

The corner of Noah’s mouth quirks up at that, and something in my chest lightens. “So basically, you’re free?”

I nod cautiously, wondering what he has in mind, but his bright smile of satisfaction begets one from me as well, and I’m suddenly ready to go wherever Noah Reed might lead.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance