Page 6 of All Yours

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“Yeah, beautiful,” I breathe out.

We slowly pull apart and it feels like a piece of my heart is missing. Shit, I want her near me more than ever now.



That moment where Nate and I were basically one body melded together, it had to have been the best feeling on earth.

We walked side by side down the hallway, his hand placed possessively on the small of my back. Every once in a while, he would massage it with his hand. It took everything I had not to moan out loud, it felt that amazing.

When we get to the front reception desk, I see Wanda looking at us, and she gives a glowing smile.

“Show me where you turn the lights on,” he murmurs into my ear, the huskiness in his voice turns me on, something that’s never happened before. I’m twenty-three years old and have never felt this pull that I do to Nate.

“Oh, it’s over here for the outside lights, then I have these plug-in things, and the remote to turn them on,” I say with a proud smile. Last year I could barely get decorations out in the lobby, let alone the outside. This year, though, I went all out. Okay, maybe even a little overboard, but it’s so pretty.

I hand Nate the remotes and watch as he turns them on, hesitant at first, then he finishes clicking the on buttons for the whole lobby.

I smile with pride, “Looks good,” he mumbles and then ambles to the switch for the outside lights.

“Yeah, but who knows what will happen with the outside lights,” I grouse.

“Whatever it is, we’ll get it figured out and working,” he replies.

He flips the switch and I watch through the window as everything comes to life, my fingers are crossed praying he fixed whatever the problem may have been, and hoping it was something simple, too.

“Hey! It’s on and it’s not fizzling out, either!” I exclaim, ecstatic that everything is working. I run up to him, throwing my hands around his neck, and pulling him down to hug him.

He returns my hug with a laugh, but then he brings me in closer, closer than we were in the doorway just a bit ago. I close my eyes and soak in the scent that is surrounding me. It assaults my senses in the best way possible, it’s seductive in the way you can smell the woodsy and citrus scent. I want to be wrapped up in his warmth for as long as possible.

Sadly, that doesn’t happen, we release each other. I can see he wasn’t thrilled either, if his facial expression has anything to say about it.

“I’m glad, was it an easy fix?” I question.

“It was, let me go put the panel back in place and clean up. You going to be in your office?”

“Yeah, just come on in. I only have a few things left to do before I head out myself.” He nods his head and guides me back to my office before leaving to clean up.

I return to my desk with the biggest smile on my face.



I almost wish that there was something more complex going on with her electrical system. In the same sense, I’m glad there isn’t, but I know one thing for sure, I want to be in Kori’s presence a lot longer than the hour I’ve been here.

Now, I just need to figure out a way to get her to go out with me. At the age of thirty-one, I shouldn’t be as nervous as I am. Yet, the feel of her surrounding me is making me hungry for more time with her.

Getting back to work, it only takes me a few minutes until I’m done. The buzz of my phone stops me, and I pull it out of my pocket and see that I have a text from Colton.

How are things going with Kori?

I smile before responding, the kid is as smart as a tack, and I have every reason to know why he was fast to recommend me.

All finished, thanks for the in. How’d you know though?

The panel is back in place and I make my way to the woman who has me all tied up in knots.

My phone buzzes again, I take it out and glance at it. I don’t bother to respond when I see it’s from Colton.

Dude, your facial expression says it all when I talk about her.

That little shit, he’s lucky I love him, but if I’m lucky enough, Kori will be hanging out with me for the rest of the day.

The weather is beautiful this time of year in Tennessee and the small cabin I like to rent for a few days after Christmas is calling my name. Maybe this year I’ll have Kori up there with me.

Making my way to her office, I stop at her door, taking her in. Kori’s head is down, curls are falling loosely around her angelic face. Her hair is long, all the way down below breasts even with the looseness of it. Fuck what I’d love to see her look like completely naked. Would her hair hide her nipples from me? Damn, what a thought, I wonder if they’d hide the color of her nipples or maybe tease my senses even more. Would they tease her nipples into tighter points? Just imagining it is making me rock hard.

Tags: Tory Baker Erotic