Page 10 of All Yours

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“Woman, you’re quite the handful. I would have brought the rest of them in,” he grumbled.

“Well, I can help. You know?” I volleyed back. We unpacked the food, placing it in the refrigerator and small cupboard he has in the kitchen.

After that’s done, I take a look around the place. It’s quiet and cozy, there’s a dark leather sofa that looks worn in, a pillow or two, an area rug, and in front of the couch is a wood burning fireplace.

“I really hope the weather gets cold enough to where we can use the fireplace this weekend,” I murmur.

“We will, it’ll get colder up here on the mountain,” he replies to my chatter.

“I can’t wait. I think Melanie might have had some help with the décor,” I tease.

“Yeah, she came up one weekend to get away from life, while Colton and I stayed in town. I came back the following week and this is what I came back to. I secretly think she didn’t need time away, she just wanted something else to decorate besides her house and mine.” He may be grousing but the smile shows how much he loves his family.

“She did a great job. Do we need to do anything else?” I ask.

“Nope, I’m going to turn the hot tub on out back. I put your bag in the bedroom, if you want to unpack,” he says as he walks out the sliding door that leads to the back porch. I can’t wait to slide in and bask in the warmth.

I walk down the hallway. The first door on the right is the bathroom, it’s small but does its job, the wood tones and buffalo check pattern on the shower curtain are the same as the pillows in the living room. I have to smile at that thought. Mel really had fun on her weekend away. I walk out of the bathroom, going to the second door. It has a full-sized bed, the comforter is brown and white, and there’s a small dresser and a nightstand. I look to see if my bag is anywhere in the room, and when I don’t see it, I make my way to the bedroom across the hall.

When I open the door all the way I’m stopped in my tracks. My hand goes to my mouth. There, sitting on the bed right next to Nate’s bag, is mine.



I went outside and was only out there for less than ten minutes. When I walked back inside looking for Kori, I saw her. She was just inside of the doorway of our room. Her hand to her mouth and tears shimmering in her eyes. I almost put her in the spare room, not wanting to assume too much. Something made me stop, though, and I’m thankful I went with my gut right about now.

I spin her around, bringing the palms of my hands to cup her cheeks. I see the glimmering wetness in her eyes. I don’t ever want her to cry. Not over something like this.

“You okay?” I rasp out.

“Yes, this, it’s just perfection. My emotions just got away from me,” she says in a hushed tone.

“Are you alright sharing a room? I promise we won’t do anything you don’t want. I’d never hurt you, Kori,” I promise.

“I know you wouldn’t, and I want to fall asleep in your arms. It’s been a hard couple of weeks with only hearing your voice and not seeing you,” she admits. Her hands are holding my forearms when she touches me, I swear it’s like a volt of electricity zaps through my system.

“Glad you’re feeling the same way I am, beautiful. Ready to get in the hot tub?” I ask her. I’m not ashamed to say I’m ready to see more of her, feel more of her, and just be with her, in my arms.

“Definitely, I’ve been dying to go in there as soon as you said there was a hot tub here. I thought it took a few hours to warm up?” she says.

“Nope, it didn’t take too long this time around,” I say to her, not telling the full truth of how I had a friend come up and turn it on the low setting until I got here to adjust the level to high.

“I’ll go grab my suit and change. Meet you out there?” she questions.

“Abso-fucking-lutely.” That’s my cue to grab my suit and head to the bathroom to change, leaving her in the master bedroom. I’m thankful as fuck now that Melanie decorated this place. If she left it up to me, nothing would be matching. Hell, we’d be lucky to have matching bed sets.

I change into my swimming trunks, grabbing a couple of towels, stopping at the fridge grabbing a beer for myself, and Kori’s wine she mentioned she drinks. I pour hers into a wine glass, thank you again Mel, and then I head to the back deck to wait.

Tags: Tory Baker Erotic