Page 37 of Christmas With You

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“Figured she’d be helpful. That’s why it was better for me to send her.”

“For the record, Fern was the one who asked you to accompany me. I understand that you have a job to do, and you don’t strike me as a guy who really loves clothing shopping.”

“I also figured that. And you’re right about the shopping, although now I’m wondering if that’s a slam on my wardrobe choices.”

Regina laughed and shifted on the bed, tucking a pillow under her stomach and kicking her feet like a twitterpated teenager. “Since I’ve only see you in your uniform, I don’t think I’m qualified to slam your clothes.”

“So, what you’re saying is that you’d like to meet me for dinner, and that I’d better be wearing street clothes so you can properly judge.”

More kicking. “I think that’s rather presumptuous on your part.”

“Pick you up in thirty? I don’t have long to eat before I’m required to be at the community center so I can judge the gingerbread house contest.”

“Oh shoot, I forgot about that. I was told I have to be one of the judges because I’ll be neutral, thanks to the fact I don’t know anyone.”

“And I was told I’m a neutral judge because I already judge everyone,” Emmett said, and Regina laughed again. “Regina …?”


“You never answered the question about dinner.”

“That’s because you never posed a question.” Regina bit her lip. “But if you had, I might wonder if it’s a bad idea, considering I just got out of a serious relationship and I’m only here temporarily and a dozen other complications.”

“Let me tell you some things that aren’t complicated. We both have to eat to survive, and there are only two places to do that in town, so we might as well have dinner together. Nothing big or serious. Just a meal between two people who are getting to know each other.”

“Well, when you put it that way …”

“I’ll see you in twenty-eight minutes.”

Her smile spread across her face, and while she’d definitely need that time to get ready, she couldn’t help thinking that twenty-eight minutes wasn’t nearly soon enough.


“Wow, Sheriff,” Fern said with a knowing grin. “I don’t think I’ve seen you dressed up in months.”

“I’m not dressed up. Technically, I’m dressed down.” Put on a pair of non-holey jeans with a gray Henley instead of your usual uniform, and suddenly everyone thinks you made a huge effort. Not that he hadn’t spent a few extra minutes on gelling his hair and finding his good cologne, and yep, he was getting way too wound up over a woman who’d be leaving town soon.

Then Regina came down the hall, her dark hair in loose curls around her shoulders, the blue shirt she had on accenting her eyes, and he thought it was worth being tangled up in knots if it meant spending more time with her. Maybe even worth the whole town gossiping about it.

“Sheriff,” she said with a nod. Then she tapped a finger to her lips and looked him up and down. “Now that I’m qualified, I have to say that, maybe next time, I should demand you go shopping with me. Clearly you’ve got good taste.”

“Stop, or you’ll make me blush.” He walked a few steps closer. “You hardly look ridiculous, so I’m calling that bluff right now.”

“Are you serious? While these snowmobile pants are fleece-lined and warm, they make a swooshing sound when I walk.” She demonstrated. “As for the shirt, the front’s pretty normal, but then …” She spun around and lifted her hair off her neck, displaying a colorful fish. “At least it’s a pretty fish, but yeah. A fish.” She turned to face him, a mesmerizing curve to her extra-pink lips.

He almost told her she made sporting-goods-chic hot, but that was too bold for two people having a simple dinner, so he stuck with a simple question. “Ready to go?”

She nodded. “I’m starving too.”

Emmett put his hand on her lower back and guided her toward the door. He liked how tall she was—how she lined up so well with him.

“Don’t forget we need you both at the community center for the gingerbread contest,” Fern called after them, and they shared a smile before pushing out the door. The odds of anyone letting them forget about their judicial duties were slim to none.

A quick drive later and they were at Grumpy’s.

When they walked in, several people called out greetings, and Emmett wanted to pull Regina to him and make sure they knew she was here with him, but again, that wasn’t keeping things light. Just two people getting to know one another.

So that the other one could leave.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance