Page 23 of Christmas With You

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Without a smile on my face, I stared at her for a few seconds, hoping to make her sweat. She lowered her head, and I smiled, drawing her attention back when I snickered. “She loved them,” I announced happily. “She wants to get together after Christmas.”

“Everything okay in here?” Colin asked, standing in the doorway.

Brianna jumped up and down excitedly. “Miriam liked Layla’s designs. They’re going to discuss everything after Christmas.”

Colin looked over at me. “Congratulations, Layla. You’ve worked hard for it.”

“Did you know?” I asked him.

Sighing, he glanced down at Brianna. “I was told yesterday to keep it a secret.”

Sheepishly, Brianna shrugged. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” I said, draping my arm over Brianna’s shoulder. “Looks like I have an assistant now. That is, if you’re up for the job.”

Her eyes widened, and she froze. “This is literally the best Christmas ever. Someone pinch me.”

Theresa peeked her head around the corner and motioned for me. “You haven’t seen your Christmas present yet. Come on.” Colin smiled and stepped out of the way when I walked past. Theresa pointed to the front door. “Look out there.”

I walked to the door, and outside, there was a couple getting out of a car. It didn’t take long to realize who they were. “Oh my God.”

I raced outside, and my mom flung her arms open. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”

Excited beyond belief, I hugged both my parents. “What are you two doing here?”

My dad kissed the top of my head. “We were hoping to surprise you. We’ve been planning this for weeks.”

I hugged them again. I couldn’t believe they’d kept that from me. “Thank you. I didn’t want to spend Christmas without you two.”

By now, Colin, Brianna, and Theresa were all outside. I introduced them to my parents, and Colin helped grab their bags from their rental car. We walked side by side back into the inn. “You should spend tonight with your parents. We can take a rain check on the new coffeemaker.”

Sadly, I nodded, but I had my parents for Christmas, which made me extremely happy. For once, in a very long time, everything was looking up for me.

Chapter Fourteen


Christmas Day

My parents stayed in Colin’s cottage with me. We spent the entire night talking about anything and everything. They were extremely excited about my new line. There was a lot to think about as far as where I wanted to go after that. Did I want to move back to the big city or keep a low profile? I knew what my heart wanted.

“Layla, we’re going to the main house for breakfast. Are you coming?” my mother called out.

I leaned o

ut of my bedroom door, holding my red sweater over my chest. “I’ll be there in a minute. Go ahead without me.” The front door shut, so I quickly slipped on my sweater, jeans, and boots.

It was Christmas morning. Colin’s entire family would be arriving soon at the inn. I was going to meet the whole Jennings side.

Once I grabbed my phone, I opened the front door, only to come toe to toe with Colin. “Whoa,” I said, sucking in a breath. “You scared me.”

The wind blew his cologne my way, and I breathed it in. He chuckled and glanced down my body. “Sorry. You look beautiful, by the way.”

“Thanks. You look rather dapper yourself.” And he did, dressed in his jeans and gray sweater. I missed him wearing his plaid shirts. I had begun to get used to them.

Clearing his throat, he glanced down at a small wrapped box in his hands. “I wanted to find some time to get you alone. When I saw your parents leave, I figured it was now or never.”

He handed me the present, and I opened it. Inside was a gorgeous, sparkling snowflake necklace. “Colin, it’s beautiful.” I pulled it out, and he fastened it around my neck.

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Romance