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All of this is nothing more than a fleeting memory though, as he hasn’t called or responded to any one of my dozen texts messages. I hate to admit it, but I think Kellie was right. He wanted a booty call, it didn’t happen, and now he’s moved on. I don’t know if he expected me to bare ass on the beach and give him the ride of his life or what. It didn’t happen, and he didn’t make any other moves. Not even when he dropped me off. No peck. No kiss on the cheek. No swat on the ass thanking me for a good time.

Nothing, zilch, nada and it’s been days.

I’m lust struck and refuse to leave the apartment unless my phone and back-up battery have a full charge because I’m afraid I’m going to miss his call. This is completely stupid. This is a guy. Who, mind you, in Los Angeles are a dime a dozen. And I’m just a girl, throwing myself at the hottie guitar-playing guy who’s in a band. If this doesn’t make me a cliché, I don’t know what else could.

“You home?” Kellie calls out. The front door slams and within seconds, my bedroom door is opening. “Are you sick?” she asks, standing against the doorjamb.

“Do I look sick?” I whine and feel my forehead. It’s cold and clammy, but no, I’m not sick unless you count being lust struck. It’s a real illness, many twenty-something women get it.

“You look heartbroken. What happened?”

“Ugh,” I groan and pat the spot on my bed next to me.

“Be right back.” She leaves me to my thoughts. She’s going to tell me I’m crazy for feeling this way. It wasn’t even a date and it was one kiss… a kiss that could’ve led to so many more things. Maybe I gave Quinn a vibe or something, which is why he stopped or hasn’t called.

“Here.” Kellie hands me a spoon, a pint of ice cream and motions for me to move over. “What’d Roy do now?”

“Oh, God, don’t even get me started,” I say before shoveling a spoonful of Tonight Dough into my mouth. “But he’s not why I’m sulking.”

“Sofia’s look-alike brother?”

I nod. “You were right though, he’s not her brother.”

Kellie sighs. “Do you not remember seeing her status?”

I groan. “Yes, but… I don’t know, something doesn’t add up. I for sure thought Quinn was Sofia’s brother. He looks just like the pictures she showed us and the guy she posted online doesn’t. Like I said, something’s fishy.”

“Let it go. You have a weird obsession with someone you never met.”

“I know. I’m a creeper.” I continue to eat, waiting for my best friends, Ben and Jerry, to ease my broken ego.

“So, what’s going on?”

“Quinn hasn’t called.”

“So,” she says. “Did you sleep with him or something? Carson said you looked pretty smitten when the two of you left the club.”

“He saw me?”

She nods. “I think he likes you.” Kellie shrugs.

“Oh and no, I didn’t sleep with Quinn. We kissed, and it was amazing.”

“And then you told him no?”

I shake my head. “Nope. He brought me home. Maybe I should’ve invited him in or something, then maybe he would’ve called.”

Kellie sets her pint down and turns to look at me. “Let me get this straight. You kissed, and you think he’s not calling because you didn’t give it up?”

I shrug. When she says it like that, it seems really stupid to think that way. “Why else isn’t he calling?”

She throws her hands up in the air. “Oh, I don’t know let’s see. Maybe the kiss wasn’t all that for him. He could be busy. Or here’s a wild guess, he’s a musician and they’re moody AF so he’s probably sitting in a room somewhere with his headphones on, writing a sappy love song.”

“You’re mean,” I tell her. “Just a giant meany.”

Kellie laughs and goes back to her ice cream. “I’m not going to sugarcoat anything for you. It was a kiss, Eleanora. In my book that doesn’t warrant a life-long commitment, let alone a phone call.”

“Not even a text?”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont: Next Generation Romance