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Instead of answering, I lean my head on his chest and start swaying to the music playing in the background. I don’t know what song’s playing, but I like it. It’s slow and sensual, and I find myself pushing into Ben. His hand moves from my waist as his arm brings me even closer, pressing his body into mine. I don’t know how long we stay like this, but with the combination of his arms around me, our bodies aligned and the beating of his heart against mine, I find myself crying.

My body shudders as a sob works its way through. “What’s wrong?” he asks. The only response I can muster is to shake my head. Ben knows better though. He always does.

He pulls away and yells out that the party is over. A few people groan, and I use this time to slip into the bathroom to clean up. My reflection is nothing to be proud of with my black mascara leaving tear stains down my cheeks. “So much for waterproof.” I take my sweet time, hoping everyone is gone when I emerge. Only Peyton and Noah are left. My sister rushes over to me and pulls me into her arms.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just had a moment.” What the moment was, I have no idea. I don’t know what came over me and or why my emotions are getting the best of me. “I’m going to stay and clean up.”

“Do you want me to help?”

“No, go on. You and Noah have a long drive down to Mom and Dad’s, and I’m sure you’re both tired. I’ll call you in the morning.”

Peyton and I hug, and Noah comes over to kiss me on the forehead. As soon as I hear the door shut, I’m in the kitchen grabbing a garbage bag.

“What was that?” Ben asks, leaning his hip against the counter.


He points over his shoulder and laughs. “Your overly possessive display of affection. Are you jealous of Bailey?”

“No.” I step by him and start picking up every bottle and tin can I find.

“I think you are.” Ben tosses a few into the bag.

“You’re being ridiculous.” The bottle of wine I opened earlier is still there. Sitting next to it is an empty one, which honestly I don’t remember drinking. I pick it up, bringing the glass rim to my lips and drink the remaining contents, swaying a bit as I drop the bottle into the bag.

“You’re drunk.” Ben tries to take the bag from my hand, but I pull away.

“Am not.”

“You are. I’m fairly certain you drank both bottles of wine.”

“Peyton had some.”

Ben shakes his head. “Peyton doesn’t drink, and you know it.”

“It’s because she’s so perfect right, is that it? Do you like her or something?”


“No, don’t ‘Elle’ me.” I drop the bag and step toward him. He reaches out to catch me as I lose my balance. “You and Quinn are the same. Always harping at me about my drinking and throwing Peyton in my face and how perfect she is. Do you like her, Ben? I know you spent a lot of time with her at the hospital and when she was living with my parents. Did something happen between the two of you?”

He looks at me and frowns.

“Think long and hard about your answer because—”

“Because what? You’ll be mad at me if I did something with Peyton?”

“You know what, I don’t need this.” I sidestep, only to have him grab my arm and pull me back to him.

“You don’t get a say in who I like or what I do with other women, Elle.”

“Let go of me, Ben.” He does but keeps one hand on my waist.

“Your sister is in love with Noah.”

“And you’re in love with her!”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont: Next Generation Romance