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However, we’re here now, and we're going to try, and I'm going to do my damnedest to make things work, which is why I told him I’d come with him to New York. Without a doubt, I’ll move anywhere he's going to be because building a relationship thousands of miles away from each other isn't the right way to start off. I told him, both feet in, and I mean it. There's no going back, only moving forward.

"I'm going to take a quick shower," I tell him, except his arms tighten around my waist, pinning me to his body. "Bennnn..." I draw out his name in exaggeration.

"Stay," he says. His voice is raspy, sexy. I want to stay, but Ben's right, sex complicates things, and as much as I'd love to stay locked up in this hotel room, being outside with him and touring the city where we're going to live is important to me.

"You promised me a date," I remind him, looking deep into his eyes. "And cheesy pictures to decorate my social media with." I wink, but he knows it's true.

Ben groans and closes his eyes. He's the one who knocked on my door at seven a.m. with breakfast. Mind you. It's one of the best bagels I've ever had. I would've never thought a grilled bagel could be so delicious.

I finally peel myself away from Ben. Our combined body warmth dissipates too quickly for my liking. Inside the bathroom, I take a look at myself. My lips are swollen, and there's a slight rash forming from Ben's whiskers. My finger brushes along my mouth as a smile breaks out until my eyes land on my hair. "My God, Elle, next time look in the mirror before you answer the door for your boyfriend."


I love the sound of calling Ben, my boyfriend.

What's even better, is Ben doesn't care what I look like in the morning. He's seen me at best, and certainly at my worst. There are no secrets between us.

I take a quick shower, just as I promised Ben I would. When I step out of the bathroom, he's hunched over, alternating between writing on a pad of hotel issued paper and searching on his phone.

"What're you doing?" I ask, keeping my distance from him. I'm naked under my robe, and the last thing I want to do is to start touching him. I won't stop because I'm eager to be with him again and be fully aware of everything going on between us.

"Mapping out our day."

I roll my eyes. Ben's a planner, always has been. It's not a bad thing, but sometimes you have to just go with the flow. "Don't want to be spontaneous?"

Ben sets his pen down and looks at me. His eyes travel down the front of the fluffy white robe I'm wearing before turning back toward the paper. He clears his throat. "I thought if you're going to move here, we'd hit the neighborhoods and decide where we're going to live."

"I heard Tribeca is a nice place."

Ben shakes his head. He stands and comes to me. I expect him to keep a sizable distance between us, but he doesn't. His fingers start to play with the wet strands of my hair, while his other hand rests on my hip. "It's expensive there and out of my price range. My starting salary is nice, but I don't want to struggle. I want us to have a life and do things."


He holds his hand up, cutting me off. I have a feeling he knew what I was about to say. "Can we try to make it on our own? If we have a place that I can afford, anything you earn from your business will be butter. I know you can easily buy any home you want, but I'd really like the opportunity to take care of you."

"But you don't have to. You know that, right?"

"I know, Elle. I know you have a trust fund and two parents who will do anything for you, but this is a pride thing for me."

I nod, conceding an early defeat. I'm not going to argue with Ben because this seems important to him. "So what areas are we visiting today?"

Ben’s serious expression turns to one of elation. "I thought we'd visit Nolita, Murray Hill, and Brooklyn Heights, mostly because I know how much you love the townhouses."

"With those massive wrought iron railings?"

Ben nods, and I clasp my hands together. "I'm going to get dressed and do my girly stuff. I'll rush so we can go." I go to step around Ben, but he traps me. When I look at him, the happiness he was showing a few seconds ago, seems to be gone. "Ben?"

"Are we really doing this, Elle? Looking for a place for us, as a couple?"

“It only makes sense, at least to me. We’ve known each other for eight years, Ben. We’ve seen each other at our best, and worst. I think if we’re living apart from each other, we’ll end up together, wasting money on a place neither of us will use.”

“Okay,” he says, but he looks reserved.

My hand cups his face, and I use what little strength I have to pull him down for a kiss. When we part, I can't keep the smile off my face. I feel sorry for Quinn right now because I'm on cloud nine with the amount of happiness I feel. "Unless y

ou tell me we're not."

"I'll never," Ben whispers. “Being with you, it means everything. I don’t want to spend a single minute away from you.”

Tags: Heidi McLaughlin Beaumont: Next Generation Romance