Page 7 of Falling For Her

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The smell wafting around the kitchen makes it feel like a home again, something I haven’t felt since before Mom passed away. Dad would always try to make sure we had at least one meal together, but most of the time he’d get called out in the middle of it. I never begrudged it, it’s just a way of life.

We eat our food and make small talk. The sun is slowly coming up, and I have a smile on my face.



Every time I see Peyton, I want her more and more. When I have to leave, it guts me.

I saw the tiredness in her eyes when she came down the stairs and heard the tossing and turning while she was asleep. I’m going to have do something about that and fast, or she’s going to run herself into the ground.

She doesn’t know the real reason I’m heading into town and would probably kill me if she knew the truth. I saw the worry in her eyes and the way her shoulders were slumped and looking defeated. My girl won’t have the weight of the world on her shoulders, not when there’s something I can do about it.

Hell, if I had it my way, I’d drive her to work and bring her back home. It’s not really feasible when you’re running a ranch, but if I knew she’d let me without causing a fuss, I would do just that.

Turning into the clinic parking lot, I put my truck in park and step out. I no more than get a step away from the door to the clinic when it opens and out comes Dr. Harlow.

“I knew you’d be down here as soon as her clinic hours were assigned. I should have known better,” he grouses.

“Then why’d you give her those hours?” I ask him.

“’Because I knew you’d be down here, and we could strike up a bargain. I need a new bull. Had to put Rufus down last week,” he says with a chuckle.

“I suppose you want one of mine then?” I question him.

“You got that right. I knew you and Peyton would be a thing. You couldn’t keep your eyes off her if you tried, and that girl, she needs someone like you. I just wanted to see what you’d do for her. Apparently, I’m getting a new bull out of it,” he has a shit eating grin on his face. He got me there. “Yeah, I can’t have her driving like that. Not with everything going on.”

“What’s going on?” he’s concerned now. This is what I love about our town, everyone knows everyone and the concern they have is genuine.

“Ever since Jack passed, she’s not been sleeping as well, and she’s worried more and more,” I take my cowboy hat off and run my fingers through my hair.

I know a way to help her sleep, but what I really think she needs right now is to be wrapped up in me as much as I’m wrapped up in her. Yeah, next time I’ll crawl into bed with her and then maybe she’ll sleep through the night.

“I’ll keep my eye on her here at the clinic and call her today to let her know her hours start at seven in the morning and end at three in the afternoon. I know she’s been through a lot,” he tells me, and I can see the honesty in his facial features. Sure, he wants a bull from me, what he doesn’t know is I would give him my prized bull if it meant making sure Peyton is okay.

“Appreciate it, I’ll drop off your bull this afternoon,” I shake his hand.

“I’ll let my wife know you’ll be down there. Can you put him in the south pasture?” he asks.

“Sure can, thanks Doc,” we part ways and I head back to my truck with a smile on my face.



It’s been a long day. I decided today that it was time to start clearing things out of the house. Namely my parents’ clothes. My father never got rid of anything related to my mom and I never took the time to go through either of their belongings. It was a hard task, but I knew it needed to be done.

I know there is a lot that can be donated, especially their clothes. What I didn’t expect was it to sneak up on me and my emotions. I’m sitting around a pile of bags and boxes of everything I packed away to donate, bawling my eyes out, when Buck walks in. He sees me and drops to his knees.

“Oh, Peyton girl. It’ll be alright,” he says, with his hand on my shoulder.

I’m inconsolable at this point. I feel him leave and walk out the front door. It’s probably for the better as I sit my ass to the ground, my back to the wall, and cry into my arms that are on top of my knees.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance