Page 5 of Falling For Her

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“It’s not that. Snow season is about to start and what if I get stuck in town? I didn’t think this through when I took a job at the twenty-four-hour clinic. I should have seen if there was anything at the doctors’ offices instead.” I take my hair out of its messy knot and then throw it back in as I continue to rant.

“Maybe someone else will go into rotation or they’ll pick another P.A. up, and then you can choose your shift,” Levi cajoles my rant. He comes up behind me as I’m standing at the kitchen island. His arms wrap around me and he brings me back into him. He soothes me without even knowing it. I drop my shoulders and take a deep breath and let everything out.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t get worked up over something that may not even happen. But the thought of leaving my home. It’s not what I ever envisioned.”

“Take a deep breath, baby.” I do as he says and it should help, but I can’t turn my stupid brain off right now.

“How long have you been getting worked up like this?” he questions.

“Since I left after the funeral. One small thing turns into this huge ball of pressure. I’ve been trying not to start any medication for it and doing yoga, but lately I’ve been riding more and figured it would help. I guess it clearly isn’t, if you caught on to my obnoxiousness this easily,” I blow another breath out.

He spins me around, his arms are behind me. He placed his palms on the counter, and boxed me in.

“Breathe,” he whispers into my ear. I focus in on his scent, the smell of horses, leather, and an underlying scent of pine.

“We’ll get you through this, it’s just going to take time. I promise you this Peyton, I’ll be there every step of the way,” he murmurs.

“Promise?” I question him. I know why I’m making him promise, even though I shouldn’t. I’m alone and I don’t want to be. I’m not attaching myself just because Levi is allowing me. I know without a doubt, that these feelings I have for him are way deeper than they were when he let me cry on his shoulder and held me through it.

“I promise you, baby,” Levi holds me in the kitchen, and we let every noise fade away from us.



I feel like I’ve let Peyton and Jack down. I had no idea she was going through so much inner turmoil. It’s ripping my damn heart apart, seeing her on a verge of a panic attack. That’s something that can’t happen. I’ll be making a phone call first thing tomorrow morning.

Peyton finally calmed down and insisted we get things figured out, money wise, how both ranches would run. She demanded her staff still continue to have jobs and their living quarters. I was in agreement to everything. She doesn’t know it yet, but this will all be ours, sooner rather than later.

I have to give her credit, she stood her ground. She’s the perfect amount of sass and independence all wrapped up in one.

Now I’m back at my ranch and I already miss being around her. I was going to ask her out to dinner, but then she started yawning and I knew it was my cue to leave. She needs her sleep, especially after today.

We didn’t end up going back on that ride I suggested, but I know I’ll be sneaking out of here as fast as I can tomorrow to do just that.

Instead of hitting the hay and going to sleep, I go to my office. Sitting down behind my desk is the last thing I want to do, yet I know it’s necessary. I pull up the contract that we were working on at Peyton’s house and send it to not only my lawyer, but I also to her family lawyer.

I finish my email and then pull out the books to see what needs to be taken care of, when there’s a knock on my office door. I keep an open-door policy for Rick. He can walk in whenever he needs me, though if I have my way and I have Peyton living over here, I’ll have to change that and swiftly.

“Hiya, Levi, got a second for an old geezer like myself?” I laugh as he plops down in the chair in front of my desk and takes his Stetson hat off.

“Always, and if you’re old, then I’m screwed,” I tell him. He’s only in his early forties.

“Just these old bones, anyway. You get everything straightened out at the Johnson ranch?” He’s rubbing his knee and I know if it keeps persisting, I’m gonna have to cart his ass to the doctor’s office.

“Yeah, Peyton and I made a day of it. We both signed off on what we want. Looks like you and Buck will be foremen and we’ll have ranch hands working together. Which I’m fine with. Plus, she asked that they keep their living quarters. I’m just hoping all the men can get along,” I say with an exasperated breath.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance