Page 13 of Falling For Her

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Levi though, he’s a champ. It doesn’t even phase him. He just kisses me senseless and walks out the door shaking his head and smiling.



While we were out moving cattle, I had this idea. What if I just moved the rest of Peyton’s belongings here? I didn’t tell her, to keep it as sort of a surprise. Hell, she’s basically living here anyhow. I know she doesn’t even like going back to the house. It holds so many good and bad memories for her. I’m not sure what she’ll do with the house after. I have a feeling that she’ll give it to Buck, though.

I took my phone out of my pocket and called him to let him know what I was doing. For all intents and purposes, he’s her uncle. I didn’t want to go behind his back before making my intentions clear.

“Buck speaking,” Buck responded into my ear, after a couple of rings.

“Hey, Buck. You got a minute?” I question through the phone.

“For you, I can make one,” I hear papers rustle, letting me know he’s in the office out in the barn.

“Good, I’ll be over in about thirty. Will you be at the barn still?”

“Yep, my old ass is glued to this chair the rest of the day. I’ve become a damn paper pusher for the time being,” he grunts.

“Not too much longer, the lawyers are working on everything now, and then you’ll be back in the saddle,” I tell him.

“Thank goodness for that, I’ve had about all I can take,” he’s as good as ticked. One thing about Buck, he hates paperwork.

“Alright, let me get some things finished up here and I’ll head on over. I want to get there before Peyton gets home,” I respond.

“Got a feeling I know what this is about already,” he admonishes.

“Reckon you do, but just the same I’d rather talk face to face than over the phone.”

“Alright, I’ll be here then,” he responds and then I hear the phone click.

Old coot couldn’t even wait to hear me respond. I chuckle and let Ed know I’m heading back for the day. He smirks and I make tracks.

I bring Rocky back into the barn, untack him, brush him down, then I walk back to the house and hop in my truck and go on over to the Triple J.



I pull up to Levi’s ranch and see he’s unloading box after box off of his truck. I quickly put my own vehicle in park, take off my seatbelt, and climb down from the cab of the truck, “Uh, Levi? What is going on?”

“Shit, I was hoping to have this done before you got home,” he says home and I can see the soft look on his face when he says that word.

“Well, here I am, but you didn’t answer my question,” I take my hair out of its knot that’s on top of my head, letting my dark hair down, and running my fingers through it.

“Pretty self-explanatory. I’m moving you in today. Only thought I’d get you all moved in before you got home. Is everything okay?” he asks, as he puts a box down and comes up to me.

“Everything’s fine, just finished work up, and it was slow today. They let a few of us go to help cut down overhead costs,” I tell him. His hands go straight into my hair now that it’s down and he runs his fingers through it. This is one of the many things I love that Levi does to me.

“Oh,” I whimper out, his hand that is in my hair tilts my gaze up to his. Levi’s lips lightly graze mine and I need more. I go to my toes, seeking his. When our lips finally meet, he takes over. My hands go to his hips and I hold on as he nips at my lips before our tongues are entwined together.

“Hey, baby,” he murmurs when we part ways.

“Hey, you,” I reply kind of breathless.

“Was trying to surprise you, but you got here early, so now I guess you can unpack while I unload the truck.” He turns back to what he’s doing. I’m smiling. I wanted this more than I was willing to admit. “And what if I didn’t want to move in with you?” The smile on my face tells him everything.

“Peyton, half of your stuff is here. I just made it official before asking you.”

“True enough. I’ll go make more room in the closest and bathroom for the rest of my stuff,” I tell him, as I walk up the porch steps.

“Pretty sure you took over the bathroom this week,” I hear him say under his breath.

Laughing my way into the house, well really a home that is ours. There are some changes I’d like to make. Maybe even add a few pictures of the two of us we’ve taken while out trail riding on the rare occurrences one of us thought to bring our phones.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance