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I stop in my tracks when we come into the kitchen. Dylan is there, elbow deep in pizza dough. He has flour on his cheeks, his hair, and even on his shirt. It’s enough to make me laugh.

Johnny says, “Daddy, I think the flour goes on the dough,” with a snicker.

“Need any help?” I offer.

“If you could stir the sauce, that would be great,” he says, and I meander my way to the stove. I open the lid and smell the aroma of marinara. My stomach takes that exact moment to growl, embarrassing me to no end.

“It won’t be much longer now, Scouts Honor,” I see him wink.

“I’ll be okay. Today was busy and I forgot to eat lunch,” I tell him, as I place the lid back on the pot.

“Give me about twenty minutes and this will be ready to eat,” Dylan responds as he finishes laying out the dough.



Seeing Candy walk through the house, it’s like she was meant to be here. I don’t want her to leave. The past month or so that Johnny and I have been going into her shop, Sweet as Candy, I knew I wanted her, but we’re a package deal. Johnny comes first, and I wanted to make sure Johnny liked her and to see how she interacts with him.

He took an instant liking to her and well, so did I. Not to mention my dick, it’s been hard for her ever since I first laid eyes on her.

I shake off my thoughts and go back to laying the dough out on the pizza stone.

“Johnny, you ready to come help?”

“Yep! Can Ms. Candy help too?” he asks.

“Of course, this one is yours, so make sure you put the toppings on that you’ll eat,” I tell him.

Candy comes over and watches over Johnny as he puts cheese, black olives, and pepperoni on his pizza. It’s an odd combination, but he’s not a picky eater.

“Wow, that’s quite the pizza you have Johnny,” Candy says with a smile. Johnny looks up at her, his smile wide and toothless. He’s happy to have her here with us and so am I.

“It’s the best!”

“What do you want on yours?” I ask Candy. We have a couple of pizza stones. After hers, I’ll make mine and then Candy and I can eat together while Johnny finishes his up.

“Cheese, pineapple, and pepperoni. If you have it?” she responds.

“As a matter of fact, I do. When we make pizza’s, we like to mix it up and have a variety of toppings,” I tell her. Johnny runs back to the living room getting his blanket, stuffed animal, and the television turned on.

“This all looks so good, thank you for inviting me over,” she says, as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

“You’re always welcome here, Candy.” I move closer to her, bringing my hand to the nape of her neck, holding her there. When she takes a deep breath, I slowly bring my finger down along her throat, following the trail to her shoulder where her shirt has slipped down. Her skin is warm and inviting. I move in closer, her smell tantalizes my senses. She smells like her bakery shop, sweet and something I want to lick and savor every step of the way.

I only back away when Johnny comes barreling back into the kitchen, asking, “Dad, is the pizza done?”

“It’s cooling off now,” I answer him. My gaze sweeps back to Candy and I can see the blush she had that was on her cheeks has spread down to her chest. Her shirt is oversized, and drapes down.

I want to see her naked and writhing on my bed. Biding my time is going to be hard as hell, but I know easing her into this will make it worthwhile.



Dinner was amazing and we all sat around the kitchen table talking about our week and what our weekend plans are. Dylan and Johnny were going to watch a baseball game in the next town over and I was opening the shop for a half day on Saturday but had no plans on Sunday.

“Come watch the game with us,” Dylan murmurs into my ear, as we are sitting on the couch watching Hotel Transylvania.

“Yes, you have to Ms. Candy. You have to!” Johnny says with so much enthusiasm. He was sitting on the floor engrossed in the movie, but once he heard his dad ask me out, he came full force jumping into my lap, and looped his arms around my neck.

“As long as you two are sure, then I’ll be there,” I tell him, looking into his eyes, taking in his features. He lost his front tooth not long ago and he’s got the cutest smile.

“Positive, we’ll pick you up at your place,” Dylan says. Not giving me an option to meet him at the stadium or at his place.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance