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“I’ll take Johnny to school and then come right back,” I tell her, following her to where she throws herself into bed and throws the covers over her head. If she wasn’t so miserable, it would be cute as shit.

“You don’t have to, I’m going to the doctor today. I can’t stand much more of this,” she grouses.

“Stay in bed, don’t call the doctor until I get home. I’m going to take Johnny to school, then hit the store, and I’ll be back home,” I demand.

“Okay, fine. You win, love you. Don’t let Johnny in here. I don’t want him to get sick. It’s bad enough you may get this as it is,” she yawns and closes her eyes. The covers are off of her head now and you can see this is taking a toll on her, the dark circles under her eyes. It says it all.

“Love you, babe,” I say and close the door on my way out.

Johnny is sitting up at the kitchen table eating his bowl of cereal. We always try to make sure he has a more substantial breakfast, but with Candy not feeling well, I did what I could do.

“Ready for school, bud?” I ask.

“Yeah, I just need to say bye to Mommy first,” he hops down and takes his bowl to the sink.

“No can do, today. Mom is sick as a dog,” I tell him.

“Ugh, can I at least tell her at the door?” he asks.

“Sure, I’ll go with you. That way I know you won’t go in there.” I follow him to the bedroom door.

“Not me,” he says pointing at himself and smiling that toothless smile.

“Mommy, I’m going to school. Love you, feel better,” he yells through the door.

“Have a great day, I’ll see you soon and I love you, too,” I hear Candy say. I know she got up, because she’s not having to yell, so much as talk. That woman, she’s going to make me spank her ass when she gets to feeling better.

Instead of walking Johnny to school today, I drive. Johnny grumbles and grouses, but I know he doesn’t mind as much as he lets on.

I drive through the carpool loop and yes, I’m that parent that waits and watches to make sure he walks all the way into school, before I leave and head to the pharmacy.


I feel like I’ve been sick for weeks, when in fact it’s only been a couple of days. Still, I get up after Dylan and Johnny leave. Since I took the day off at the bakery, I know there’s a few things I can do while I start to feel better.

I’m still in my pajamas and am loading the dishes into the dishwasher when I hear the garage door open, and Dylan’s truck pull in, then close.

I eye the coffee pot, really wanting a hot cup of coffee, but every time the smell of coffee hits my nose, I fly for the bathroom.

“Oh my god, I’m such an idiot. How did I not put two and two together before?” I murmur to no one but myself.

“You’re not an idiot. We’ve been balls to the walls busy with life, not to mention Johnny’s tee ball games,” Dylan responds to my tirade.

“How did I not know I could be pregnant, though? I’m the worst mom, ever!” I break into sobs.

Dylan rushes into the kitchen from the garage. His arms are full of bags, even he knew before me. That makes me feel even worse.

“Shh, baby. You gotta calm down or you’ll get sick. You’re not a horrible mom. Who soothed Johnny when he scraped his knees from riding on his bike or how about when we were at the airport? You knew what he needed when I didn’t. This time it was me that noticed. I’ll admit, at first, I didn’t realize it either until we made love the other night and then add that into you getting sick. I put two and two together,” he cajoles me as we both sit on the kitchen floor with his arms wrapped around my body.

“I guess. I just hate that I couldn’t tell I was pregnant. I feel so stupid,” I chuckle, as I put everything together.

“This is life. We’re going to have straight roads, curves in the road, and even some roads that seem like roller coasters, but I promise we’ll get through it together.”

“I love you, Dylan. I hope you know that I love you with every fiber of my being,” I say and then tip my head towards his as he says, “I love you, you’re my heart, baby.”

“Now, let’s take a test and then we’ll get you into the doctor. Maybe we can surprise Johnny tonight with homemade pizza and telling him he’s going to be a big brother?” he questions.

“I’d like that,” Dylan helps me up from the floor and then I rummage through the bags that were haphazardly thrown on the ground to get to me. There’s what looks like four pregnancy tests, a bottle of ginger ale, lemon lime soda, saltines, and even club crackers. He truly thought of everything.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance