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Chuck let out a laugh. “Seems I know some people in high places. Course I had to wait it out. I got out a month ago, and funny thing—I ran into a guy, and your name came up.”

“What the hell do you want with me? I did my time. You did yours. We’re both free men now.”

“True that. The problem is, no one really wants to give a con a break, you know? I got no money, got no job, no chance of employment. And I don’t really want to do any decent work anyway. So I found a way to make some quicker money so I could hightail it to Mexico.”

Jeff fought to maintain control. Keep him talking. And keep him talking low, so Maria won’t wake up. “What do you need with me, then?”

The other man spit on the floor. “Seems someone is willing to pay pretty handsomely to see you dead, Bay.”

Jesus Christ. He didn’t have any enemies. Maybe someone from the slammer? But he’d minded his own business except for that one time, and Chuck and Jamal had already taken their revenge for that.

Oh, God.

The name came to him in a red haze. Max. Max was freaked and was willing to have Jeff killed to make sure he didn’t squeal him out. God, he’d given the dumb fuck his word. Why would Max send this maniac after someone he used to call a friend?

“How’d you find him, Chuck?” Jeff asked. “How’d you find Max?”

“Ah, so you figured it out. Funny thing is, if I got the story straight, you did the dumb fuck a favor all those years ago, takin’ the rap for him.”

“Yeah. No shit.”

“But now he’s afraid you’re gonna send the heat after him as some kind of payback.”

Jeff clenched his gut. “I already told him I had no interest in that. I just want to get on with my life.”

“I guess he don’t believe you, Bay.”

“Look, Chuck, you need money? I got money. Way more than Max can give you.” He didn’t, but his family did. He could get money if he needed it. They’d lend him some. He was sure of it.


“Yeah. I’m not lying. You see this ranch all around you? My nephew owns it.”

“You got any here?”

“Here? In the house? Of course not.” Jeff closed his eyes, and a weight dropped inside him. Bad move, Jeff. Really bad move. Ho

w could he have made such a stupid mistake? Goddamned nerves.

“Then that don’t do me much good, does it?” Chuck poked him again with the gun. “That Max fella put a bounty on your dead head, and I aim to collect.”

Shit! Keep him talking. Keep him talking.

“I’m thinkin’, though, that before I blow your brains out, I might finally take a taste of that sweet ass of yours.”

Bile bubbled in his throat. Oh, hell, no. He hadn’t escaped Chuck and his thugs for thirty years to be raped now. He gathered all his strength and tried to break Chuck’s hold.

To no avail. The man was just too big and too strong. He stood about six-six and had to weigh three fifty. He’d ruled by size and meanness in prison, and he would do so again outside.

Chuck nudged the gun farther into Jeff’s neck, catching his Adam’s apple again. Jeff let out a wheeze.

“Dumb ass. You really think you can get away from me? Your friends aren’t here, Bay. It’s just you and me now.”

Jeff breathed in, trying to slow his racing heart. All he could manage was a short puff of air.

Chuck squeezed one globe of Jeff’s ass with his free hand. “You’re a prime specimen, Bay. It’s been so long, I may never go back to women. If I do, I’m going back door. Nothing like a tight virgin ass.”

Nausea bubbled in Jeff’s throat, and his bowels clenched. But damn it, a rape would be better than getting killed. Now he had something to live for.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance