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“Will you stay in here with me?”

She looked around. Only one seat in the house. She sighed and sat down on the closed toilet. “Of course I’ll stay. Do you feel like eating though? I could heat up the breakfast I brought.”

He shook his head. “Maybe in a little while. For now, just stay. Please.”

The toilet was too far away for her to hold his hand, so she got up and sat down on the floor by the tub. He grabbed her hand before she could take his.

He closed his eyes, leaning back. He didn’t play with her fingers, just held her hand and breathed in and out—sometimes deeply, sometimes more shallow so she thought he had fallen asleep. But then he’d take a deep breath again.

She had no idea how long they sat there. When he finally moved to get out, she stood, handed him a towel, and then left the bathroom.

When he emerged, naked, he said, “Would you lie down with me for a little while?”

She nodded. She lay down on the bed, hoping she could offer more comfort.

He lay beside her, spooned up against her. Soon his breathing indicated he had fallen asleep.

Finally, she let herself go and wept.

* * *

Thirty-Three Years Earlier

Wayne dropped to the floor, clutching at his upper arm and moaning.

“Christ, Max, what have you done?” Jeff lunged toward his friend, grabbing for the gun.

Max dropped it to the floor and Wayne crawled toward it. The security guard ran from the room.

“God, Wayne, are you okay?” Jeff knelt next to his brother, who gripped the gun with a bloody hand.

“No, I’m not okay, you asshole. I’ve just been shot. What the hell are you trying to pull here?”

Jeff didn’t answer. It ought to be clear enough. “Who’s that other guy?”

“Regan. Our nighttime security.”

“Since when?”

“Since none of your business, Jeff

. What are you trying to do, rob us?”

Max walked toward them. “Give me that gun, Bay.”

Jeff tried to get a look at Wayne’s arm. “Get out of here, Max. Can’t you see he’s hurt?”

“Tell him to quit being a baby. I just grazed him. It was an accident.”

“Let me take a look at it,” Jeff said.

His upper arm was bleeding pretty good, but it did seem to just be a nick. “I think you’ll live.”

“Of course he’ll live,” Max said. “Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

Jeff looked around. “Where’s Trey?”

Max shuffled. “Didn’t you see him? He ran like a chicken shit right after big brother here showed up and got himself shot.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance