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“We? You must mean the royal we. I did over thirty years’ time for a crime I didn’t fucking commit. I’m done doing anything about this.”

Max grabbed his collar. “Look, shithead, that was thirty years ago, and I’m not going down for something stupid I did then. I got out twenty-five years ago, and I’ve made a life for myself. I’ve got a family now. So you keep your fuckin’ mouth shut, got it?”

Jeff broke Max’s hold easily. Yeah, he’d learned a lot in prison, and the first lesson had been ho

w to break a hold. He clenched his teeth, his anger turning to red rage. “Don’t you dare threaten me. You have a family. I never had the chance for one. I did time for your crime, asshole. You should be down on your knees, thanking me.”

“Yeah, I never quite understood why you did that, until I heard that your brother had knocked up your little slut girlfriend. Must have been hard knowing Wayne’s dick had been inside your sweet thing.”

Rage boiled in Jeff. “You have a funny way of asking for a guy’s cooperation, friend.”

Max cleared his throat. “I’m not asking. I’m telling. You tell a goddamned soul what really went down that night, and you can kiss your sweet little Angie—and your new grandson—good-bye. As for your Mia? She’ll be a goner too, after I have my way with that hot body. Damn, she still looks good after all these years, doesn’t she?”

That was all it took. Jeff grabbed Max’s collar and was ready to smash his face in with his fist when he remembered he was in a hospital—a hospital where his daughter and grandson were. He unclamped his fists. “You’re not worth it.”

“I knew you’d see reason. But mark my words. You say anything, and your family will pay the price.”

“You’d deny me my family? After all this time? After you just told me you have one of your own?”

“Damn right. I got where I am today by looking out for number one. You’re the one who always put someone else first. It got you thirty years. I’m not going to the slammer at age fifty-six, damn it. That was a long time ago. It’s not who I am anymore.”

Right. What a crock. Jeff wanted to pummel Max’s pock-marked face. If anyone ever laid a hand on Angie or Mia…or God forbid, that beautiful baby boy… Then Jeff would actually kill someone for real. He took a deep breath and gathered his strength. It took every bit of restraint he possessed not to put his fist through Max’s teeth.

“You just threatened my daughter and her mother. I’d say you’re still very much the same person.”

“Hey, people revert to old ways when their lives are threatened.”

“Look, I didn’t rat on you all those years, why would I start now? Is your DNA on record anywhere? Has anyone come looking for you? This is old news, Max. Jesus. Let it go.”

“Well, I would, but something in my gut tells me you can’t be trusted, Bay.”

“Why the fuck would you say that? Did I mention it at all during my incarceration? Fuck you, Max. Fuck you to hell.”

“Save your swearing. Just know this. If I get any line that someone’s looking for me, or if I get called in, you’re gonna pay. Got it?”

“Yeah, right.” Jeff shook his head. He lifted his fist, inhaled, and held himself back. “Like I haven’t paid enough as it is. Get the fuck out of here, Max. If I see your ugly mug again I will turn you in. How’s that?”

Max turned and left. Jeff’s heart thudded. He didn’t trust Max. Not as far as he could throw him. And that didn’t sit well with him at all. It stuck in his craw.

Because now he had something to protect.

He had a family.

* * *

Thirty-Three Years Earlier

“Can I see you tonight? Again?”

Maria inhaled. Kissing Jeff had stolen her breath. He wanted to see her tonight? Heck, he could see her whenever he wanted. As far as she was concerned, she was his. For all time.

But Meghan…

“You mean go out?”

“Well…sure, if you want to.” He hedged a little. “But I meant, be together. You know. Like last night.”

She gulped. That’s what she’d hoped he meant. Of course it would be nice to go out too.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance