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Wayne no doubt knew the combinations. Grandpa trusted Pretty Boy with everything. But no way would Wayne divulge that information to the likes of his little brother. Probably the only way to get the combinations was to scare the shit out of Wayne.

That he could do. All he needed was a little ketamine, which he could get from the local vet. His assistant had been known to take a bribe.

“I’ll get them tonight.” And then he washed Max and robbing Grandpa from his mind.

He had an all-day ride with Mia to get to.

Chapter Nine

“I want Rafe,” Angie sobbed.

“I know, honey. He’s coming as fast as he can. You just stay strong now, and I’m going to take good care of you.”

She winced and leaned forward. “God, it hurts!”

“I know, darlin’. Just hold on. I’m here and I won’t let anything happen.”

“This is crazy! I’m no granola girl. I want to be in a hospital with— Oh!” She doubled over, huffing. “Drugs, damn it! I wouldn’t have a root canal without drugs. Why would I try to push a human being out of my body without drugs?”

What to do? She was three weeks early, and this was her first baby. “There’s all kinds of time, Angie. You don’t need to worry. You’re not going to have this baby for many hours yet. Rafe will get here. The ambulance will get here. You’ll get to the hospital. There’s no need to worry.”

“I need to push, damn it!”

“It’s just an urge. It’ll pass.”

“Pass? Are you freaking serious? What the hell do you know about it? Passed any football-sized kidney stones lately?”

What could he say to her? His daughter. His little girl. He should know her better, should have been here for her long before now.

Water under the bridge, Jeff. He couldn’t think about that right now. Right now Angie was in labor, and she needed him to stay calm and help her until Rafe and the ambulance arrived. He had to take care of her. Damn it, he would take care of her. He was her father and he would not let her down. Why hadn’t he paid more attention growing up on the ranch? He’d seen calves being born, foals…

“Breathe, sweetie. Did you take those birthing classes? Did they teach you to breathe through your contractions or something like that?”

“Yes, yes, I took those stupid-ass classes. They gave me a biology lesson about stuff I already knew and— Oh, shit!”

Angie leaned over the side of the bed and heaved.

“Honey? You okay?”

She swiped her hand across her mouth. “Do I look okay to you? I just threw up. Or at least I wanted to. Nothing came up.” Her forehead was slick with perspiration, and the dark hairs that had come loose from her ponytails stuck to her face.

“I’m sure that’s very normal. I’ll get you a basin or something, okay?”

“No!” she shrieked.

He turned back, his eyebrows lifted. “Angie?”

“Don’t leave me, Daddy. Please.”


The word melted into his heart like warm honey. He wished he could lie down and let the sweet melody of it spread through him for hours.

But now was not the time to get caught up in emotion. His little girl needed him.

“Please, honey, I’m just going to the other room. I want to get you a basin and some water. A cold rag for your head. Okay?”

She nodded, her lips trembling.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance