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He motioned to a vendor selling beer. Too bad they didn’t sell shots of bourbon. He could use a stiff one—to help him get rid of his other stiff one.

Sydney Buchanan.

She’d be at Dusty’s party tonight.

And she’d be in Sam’s bed come morning.

Chapter Two

“Sammy, it’s great to have you back in town!” Chad McCray slapped Sam on the back. “I don’t get to see my only blood brother enough.”

Sam laughed, though the comment saddened him. He and Chad had become blood brothers the day Sam and his family had left McCray Landing where his father worked as a ranch hand. They went back to Montana to stay with his mother’s family when she was dying of leukemia.

Though the disease had taken his mother, it had spared his baby sister, thank God. Dusty had responded well to treatment and was now considered cured. She was the picture of health and country-girl beauty, roaming around the crowd and playing hostess in her red gingham blouse and denim miniskirt.

Chad excused himself, and Sam turned to see Dusty approach an older gentleman. Sam jerked in his boots. Thunder Morgan. Dusty grabbed the man’s arm and pulled him toward Sam. The rodeo queen and her boyfriend trailed behind.

“Sam,” Dusty said, “I know this is someone you’ve been dying to meet.”

Sam stuck out his hand. “Mr. Morgan, it’s an honor.”

The man chuckled. “It’s Thunder or Morgan, take your pick. But never Mr. Morgan. Nice to meet you.” He turned toward the other two. “Have you met my daughter, Amber, and her fiancé, Harper Bay?”

Sam nodded. “I know Harper. How are you?”

“Good, good,” Harper said.

“And Amber, it’s a pleasure. You are one beautiful rodeo queen.”

Amber’s delicate skin turned rosy, and she shook her platinum waves. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you. Dusty raves about you. We’re so glad you’ll be able to stay in town for our wedding next week.”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Sam said.

“I know you have lots of questions for Thunder,” Dusty said.

Sam nodded. He did. A million, maybe. But at the moment, his tongue was tied in a knot.

Clad in denim shorts and a white camisole, her dark gaze scanning the party, was none other than Sydney Buchanan.

“Sydney!” Dusty motioned her toward them.

She walked toward them slowly. With a little trepidation maybe? Sam wasn’t sure.

“Where are your parents?” Dusty asked.

“They decided to stay at the hotel,” Sydney said. “My little brother isn’t feeling well tonight.”

Little brother? Sam knew Sydney had an older brother, Blake, who lived in Bakersville now. But a younger one? Still a lot he didn’t know about this gorgeous woman.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Dusty said. “I really wanted him and Sean to meet. They’re almost the same age.”

Sydney smiled, her lips trembling ever so slightly. Was she nervous?

“Some other time. I’m sure they’ll hit it off.”

Dusty made the necessary introductions, and Thunder, Amber, and Harper excused themselves to get a drink.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Sam said. “Would you like a drink?”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance