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“Yes, it was.” God, it was.

“You are amazing, Sam. It’s you. It’s not the act. It’s you.”

He wanted to say the words back to her because he meant them with all his heart. How could he live without her?

Could he forgive her?

What about Duke?


His baby son might be very ill right now. How had he gotten so out of control that he was fucking in a closet when his son might be gravely ill?

“Jesus,” he said. “What the fuck are we doing?”

His eyes had adjusted to the dark. Sydney was pulling on her boots. “Making love, I think.”

“Sydney, our son is in the hospital. We have no right to be acting so foolishly. What were we thinking?”

She sighed. “I was thinking I wanted to be in your arms. Is that so wrong?”

“When our son is lying in a hospital bed and when we have many issues to work out between us—some of which I don’t think can ever be worked out—yes, it’s wrong. It’s selfish and wrong.”

“I didn’t see you stopping me.”

He sighed. She was right, of course. He should have kept his head—the one above his shoulders. “Well, I’m stopping you now.”

“Now? What good does that do? What’s done is done. You got your rocks off just like I did. Admit it, you wanted it as much as I did.”

Of course he did. But damned if he’d admit anything to her.

He pulled his pants up and buckled his belt. “We’d better hit the restroom before we go back to the ER. To make sure we look okay.”

“I already look like shit. I’ve been crying and worrying for the last several hours. My parents will understand that.”

She was right again. “Fine. Let’s just get back there. Now.”

They walked back in silence and sat down in the waiting area of the ER.

Within five minutes, Roy came out to find them.

“You two come on back now,” he said. “The doc’s on his way with the results.”

Chapter Twelve

Sydney’s heart dropped to her stomach. She gulped. Please, please let him be okay. I’ll do anything. I’ll give up anything. Anything as long as he’s okay.

The doctor entered with Duke’s chart.

“Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan,” he said.

“Please don’t beat around the bush,” Carrie begged. “What’s going on with our little boy?”

Duke had fallen asleep in the bed and appeared comfortable.

“I’m not going to beat around the bush. The news is good. Duke’s blood counts came back in the normal range.”

Sydney fell into Sam’s hard body.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance