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His head turned slightly and his lips touched the top of her head. “My baby.”

She smiled against his hard body. Within a few minutes, his breathing had steadied, and she knew he’d fallen asleep.

“Sleep, my love,” she whispered to him. “Sleep all your cares away.” She closed her own eyes. “I love you,” she mouthed against his warm skin. “I love you so much.”

* * *

Harper woke with Amber in his arms. Oh no, they hadn’t! He sighed with relief. He was in his boxers, and she was fully clothed.

Thank God.

First things first. He fired up his tablet and typed in the URL for the Rachel’s site. It was down. Donetto had done it. They sure owed him. Harper wasn’t sure he liked being in that position. But Blake knew Donetto better than he did, and he didn’t think there was anything to worry about.

Of course, the site could go back up at any time. At least they’d taken care of disposing of Amber’s photos. He hoped to God Donetto had made sure the rest of the photos were trashed.

He wished he could be sure. For Amber. It was what she wanted. He regarded her lying on his bed, her platinum hair fanned on the pillow, her hands clasped together as if she were praying.

She looked like an angel.

He nudged her gently. “Wake up, Amber.”

She opened her gorgeous gold eyes and yawned. “What time is it?”

Harper checked his watch. “Ten thirty a.m. Crap, I’m late. I have to pick someone up at the airport in an hour.”

“Okay.” Amber rubbed her eyes. “Who?”

“Your father.”

Chapter Twenty-One

During the ride to the airport, Harper told Amber about the previous night.

Amber tensed in the passenger seat. Her hand itched to reach over to Harper’s, but she held it back. She couldn’t believe Harper and Blake had both put themselves in such danger for her. And she hated the idea of Paul Donetto being involved. What if he came after them?

“Blake doesn’t think that’ll happen,” Harper said when she voiced this concern. “Now that Blake’s debt is paid, we’re even. Sure, Donetto got us out of the mess with the others, but Blake says that was a payoff—for letting him in on what they were doing. Donetto doesn’t like others impinging on what he thinks is under his control.”

“What does Blake know about it?”

“I have no idea, but he knows more than I know, that’s for sure. Besides, we’re all going back to Bakersville. There’s no debt hanging over our heads like there was for Blake. We’re small potatoes to someone like Paul Donetto.”

Amber should have been thrilled that her photos were gone and the web site was down. Truly, she was, but her tummy fluttered and her hands were fidgety.

They were about to pick up Thunder Morgan.

Her father.

What would he say?

Harper hadn’t told him why he wanted him to come down, just that it was important. Thunder clearly respected Harper enough to take his word for it and fly in.

Would he think this was important?

Would he be angry?

Would he demand a DNA test?

Would he tell Amber to stay out of his life?

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance