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“Bingo,” Harper said. “Looks like we’re back in business.”

“What’re we gonna do? Follow them?”


exactly what we’re going to do.”

“Christ, I’m exhausted.”

“So am I. Quit your bitching.”

“Is all this really worth the twenty grand you paid Donetto?”

Harper shook his head. What was with this guy sometimes? “Think about what you just said.”

“Sorry. You’re right. I owe you big time.”

“That’s right. Let’s get going. You know the area, so I need you to keep an eye on that van. I need to stay far enough back so they don’t know we’re following. If we lose sight, you need to figure out which way they went based on your knowledge of the area.”

“And what if I’m wrong?”

“Don’t be wrong.”

Harper pulled out and followed the black van. He kept a safe distance behind it and didn’t lose sight.

Half an hour later, they pulled up in the parking lot of some expensive-looking townhomes.

“Damn,” Blake said. “Drugging women and taking photos obviously pays pretty well.”

“This is the porn industry,” Harper said. “You saw Lance’s digs. He certainly didn’t make that kind of dough doing anything upstanding. That guy’s as slimy as they come.”

“I gotta admit, he’s even creepier than his brother.”

“Why do you hang out with him if you think he’s a creep?”

“We worked on the same ranch, before he started doing his computer work. All us hands hung out on our nights off. Bernie’s a good guy, just creepy looking. He can’t help that.”

Harper shook his head. “Of course. No such thing as eating right and working out.”

He didn’t give a damn who Blake Buchanan counted as his friends. All he wanted was to get to the bottom of this mess and get the hell out of Dodge. He’d had about all he could take of this fair city.

The foursome entered number three hundred. About a minute later, a large man appeared out of the shadows and entered as well. He could have been the bouncer—Amber said his name was Oscar—from Rachel’s, but Harper wasn’t sure in the dark. He didn’t use a key, so Marta must have left the door unlocked. Harper hoped the man hadn’t turned the deadbolt. If he had, they’d have to find another way in.

He turned to Blake. “You know anything about breaking and entering?”

“Hell, no. I’m not a criminal. You know my story. Got mixed up with some bad people. I’ve never broken and entered in my life.”


“So you want me to be a criminal?”

“If you were, the knowledge would come in handy right about now.”

“Sorry I can’t oblige.”

Harper sighed and pulled out some rubber gloves from the glove compartment.

“Hey, a glove compartment with gloves,” Blake said. “Ingenious.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance