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“And…some idiot in a semi blindsided me. Long story short, some of the merchandise was destroyed, and I found myself in debt twenty grand to Donetto.”

“What was the merchandise?”

“Tools mostly. And some cocaine.”


. Of course. “How’d you stay away from the cops?”

“I’d been told if anything happened to proceed to the drop-off point as planned as soon as possible. Since the truck was still drivable, that’s what I did. Didn’t stop to see what might be on the road. I didn’t find out it was cocaine till later.”

“You’re lucky you weren’t caught.”

“You think I don’t know that? I was damn lucky. I was also lucky only a little of the coke was destroyed. Some leaked out of one of the bags.”

“Why’d you go back to Bakersville?”

“I couldn’t save any money here to pay him off. I figured I’d have a better shot back home where living expenses are less in a small town. I could find work and cheap housing on a ranch and get a payment plan going. But Donetto wanted no part of that. He wanted a lump sum. And he wanted it yesterday.”

Amber nodded, her skin prickling. “Enter me.”

“Yeah. That pretty much sums it up.”

“If Catie hadn’t told you I wanted barrel racing lessons, we never would have met. I mean, it’s unlikely you’d ever come in for a manicure. Not that I’m blaming Catie. It’s just…weird to think of chains of events sometimes, you know?”

“Tell me about it.” He stood. “Well, now I’ve got that off my chest. I really am sorry.”

“Have you told Harper all of this?”

“Yeah. After he agreed to pay off my debt, he said he wanted the truth and nothing but the truth. Goddamned lawyers.”

Amber tried to hide her smile.

“Anyway, I wanted you to know I’m not such a bad guy. And I’m truly sorry. I really felt I had no choice.”

“There’s always a choice, Blake.”

He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “That’s what my daddy always used to tell me.”

“Your daddy was right. I had a choice too. I didn’t have to work at Rachel’s. I could have scrounged around until I found a job doing nails and then scraped by. But Rachel’s offered good money, which was heaven for a girl like me. I grew up with nothing. I made the choice to do something I didn’t really want to do for the money. And now I’m in this jam.”

“You got greedy.”

“Yes, I suppose I did.”

“Then we’re not so different after all.” Blake smiled.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Amber said. “I think you need to go now. I need to get some sleep.”

“Yeah, me too. But look on the bright side. If I hadn’t found those pics and blackmailed you, they’d still be posted without your knowledge. Someone would have recognized you eventually. Every cowpoke west of the Mississippi spends a night at Rachel’s. It’s kind of our birthright.”

He had a point, but she wasn’t quite ready to accept it yet. What he had done to her still hurt like hell.

“Good night,” she said.

He left quietly.

* * *

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance