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Harper’s esophagus threatened to reverse. Here he stood, one arm around a stuffed horse, the other around a woman he wasn’t interested in.

Was he?

Of course not. So totally not his type. But damned if he’d let her be bait for Blake Buchanan’s snare.

“Where’s my niece?” he said to Catie. Nothing like changing the subject.

“Chad’s got her. They’re out back. Come on out. Angie and Rafe arrived a while ago. We’ve got food and drink out there. It’s such a gorgeous day. I’m so glad it’s warm this spring.”

Leave Amber here with this guy? No way. He handed the stuffed horse to Catie. “For Violet. Come on, Amber. Let’s go get a drink.”

“Oh. Okay.” She touched Blake’s arm. Damn her. “We’ll talk later, okay?”

“Sure enough. I’m gonna use the little boys’ room and then I’ll be right out with you.”

Harper followed Amber out to the pool deck. The pool was covered. They’d fill it next month most likely. Late April was too early here in Colorado.

Everybody and his brother had shown up here. Caterers made their way through the crowds carrying platters of food. Several bars were set up. He led Amber to the closest.

“What’ll you have?”


“Of course.” What she saw in the froufrou drink was beyond him.

He ordered a beer for himself and looked around. Dallas and Annie McCray were here with their brood. Zach and Dusty and Sean. Joe Bradley, the mechanic. Doug Cartright, the sheriff. Judy had made it. His big sister, Angie, and her husband, Rafe Grayhawk, were talking to some people Harper didn’t recognize. His mother and Uncle Jeff were making their rounds.

His father had been gone for over six months, but Harper still had a hard time accepting it. He owned Cha Cha Ranch now. He knew the ranching business. That part was no problem. But Uncle Jeff, Dad’s brother, had surfaced after his death, claiming to own half of their western slope ranch, Bay Crossing. But that wasn’t the biggest surprise. Turned out he was Angie’s biological father. To top it all off, Mom had invited Uncle Jeff to live at the main ranch house at Cha Cha. So instead of moving in there, in the house he now owned, Harper stayed in his modest ranch house on the other side of the property. Not that he minded. He loved his house.

Harper had always known his parents had married because Mom had been pregnant with Angie. What he hadn’t known was that Dad’s younger brother, Jefferson Bay, had been in love with his mother. When Jeff went to prison for a crime he didn’t commit, Mom had married Dad and convinced him the baby was his.

The thoughts choked in his throat. Harper still had a hard time with that one. He and Catie were Dad’s kids, but not Angie. And his mother had tricked his father. Funny thing was, Angie was no longer holding a grudge. She had forgiven

Mom and was working on a relationship with Uncle Jeff. If Angie wasn’t upset, why should he be? After all, his father was still his father.

Course maybe Angie found it easier to accept because she was in love and newly married. She oozed happiness.

Harper had never been in love. He’d never understood what the fuss was about. He’d been interested in women, sure. Had dated quite a bit, a couple seriously, even. But fireworks had never gone off. He doubted that kind of love existed.

At least not for him. He had too much going on anyway. Heck, he had a ranch to run. His own ranch. He didn’t need kids running around. If he wanted kids, he’d come see beautiful little Violet. And all the kids Angie and Rafe would have. They were already talking about starting a family. Course they lived at Bay Crossing on the western slope, but they’d come visit.

“Quit looking so sullen, Harper. Let’s mingle.” Amber grabbed his elbow and started toward Rafe and Angie.

“Hey, you two!”

Angie gathered them both in a hug. Amber’s body crushed against his, and tingles shot up his spine. What the heck was going on?

“It’s so good to see you guys.”

“You just saw us at your wedding two weeks ago,” Harper said dryly.

Angie swatted him on the arm. “What crawled up yours, Harp?”

“He’s pissy because I made him come to this baby shower,” Amber said. “He thinks showers are supposed to be for women.”

“I think you’re right,” Rafe said.

“Yeah? Then why are you here?”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance