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“You look a little familiar, honey,” Bernie said.

Was that saliva oozing in the corners of his fat mouth? Harper tensed. He seized Bernie by the collar. “You don’t speak to her, you hear me? She’s not your concern.”

“Hold on, Bay,” Blake interjected. “This doesn’t need to get violent. Not at this stage.”

The asshole was right. Though it pained him, Harper let Bernie go. “Where’s your brother?”

“How in hell should I know?”

“Because he’s your brother, you idiot.”

“I have his address. That’s all I can give you.”

“How about his number?”

“Well, of course I have that.”

“Call him. Get him over here.”

“Right now? What for?”

“So we can all have a goddamned tea party. Christ!” Harper lunged for the man again, but Blake pulled him back.

“Just call him, Bern,” Blake said. “This guy’s a hothead.”

“What is he? Some kind of enforcer?”

“Worse. He’s a lawyer.”

Harper eased off Bernie and turned to look at Amber. Her lips were trembling.

“Just get him over here,” Harper said. “Tell him it’s some kind of emergency. You need to see him.”

“What for?”

“I don’t know. Make something up. Tell him your mother’s in the hospital.”

“My mother’s dead.”

“Your father then. I don’t give a flying fuck. Just get the bastard over here.”

“I have a better chance of getting him over here for a beer than for either one of our parents.”

“A beer then. Jesus Christ, just get him here.”

Bernie shook his head and picked up his cell phone. “Hey, Lance.” Pause. “Can you come over? I’m havin’ some trouble with my hard drive. I’ll treat you to dinner.” Pause. “As soon as you can. I have a deadline on a project.” Pause. “Great. See you in a few.”

He clicked the phone off. “About half an hour. So what now?”

Harper sat down on a couch covered in newspapers. “We wait.”

A half hour later, a man even stockier and greasier than Bernie arrived. He oozed sleaziness, with slicked-back black hair and a short goatee. His beer belly flopped over too-tight jeans. If Harper had kids, he sure as hell wouldn’t leave them alone with the likes of this guy.

“I didn’t know it was a party,” Lance said, looking around the room.

“It’s not,” Bernie said.

“So what’s going on with your hard drive, bro?”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance