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She slowed her walk, her heart pounding.

The images became clear.

Dear God.

Blake Buchanan. Holding the laptop containing the damning photos.

And Harper.

Chapter Fifteen

“Hi, Amber,” Harper said.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded, her skin tightening. Had she been shrink-wrapped? “And why the hell did you bring him?”

“I’m here as your attorney. To help you. And he has information we need.”

Amber stomped her foot. “You’re not my attorney. I can’t afford an attorney.”

“Consider it pro bono. You need me. I can’t believe you were going to come in here yourself and try to deal with this. You’re in way over your head.”

She couldn’t argue. He was no doubt right. But she had to try. She had nothing to lose at this point. What the hell did he care? He’d already told her they were over.

She let out a breath. “I can’t believe Angie betrayed my trust.”

“Angie did no such thing. I hired Chad’s PI friend to track you down. He found you in less than an hour.”

“Must be nice to have a gargantuan bank account and hire a PI whenever you please.” Yes, her tone was sardonic. She didn’t care.

“Can the crap, Amber. You need both of us.”

“I sure as hell don’t need him.” She pointed at Blake. “How did you convince him to come down here with you?”

“That’s between him and me,” Harper said. “It’s not your concern.”

“I’d say it most definitely is my concern.”

“How sweet of you to be concerned about me, darlin’.” Blake lifted his lips in a saccharine smile. “But you don’t need to be. I’m being very well compensated for my time.”

Money again. Harper Bay and his clan could buy whatever the hell they wanted.

“You can both go home.” Her voice shook a little. She steadied it. “I’ll take care of myself.”

“Can’t. I promised Angie I’d do what I can.”

“I thought you said Angie didn’t betray my trust.”

“She didn’t. But after the PI, found you, I confronted her. She started bawlin’. Was out of her head scared for you. Said she’d loaned you some money but wished she hadn’t. She begged me to come down and help you get out of whatever mess you were bound and determined to get yourself into.”

Amber said nothing. What could she say? She was in way over her head, and they both knew it.

“My sister really cares about you. She considers you one of her best friends.”

Amber gulped. Angie was a good friend. Especially in the last six months. She’d put aside her spoiled ways and become a true, caring friend.

The thought warmed her, but another thought iced the first one. Harper didn’t care. He hadn’t come on his own. He’d come for Angie.

He’d meant what he’d said earlier. He truly didn’t think she was the woman he’d thought she was. They were over.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance