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“First, she’s not my girlfriend, and second, I’m pretty damn sure she’s not lying.”

“What’s she saying?”

“That you’re blackmailing her.”

“See what I mean? That’s a total lie.”

God, what a piece of filth. Harper wanted to blast through the phone and beat the shit out of him. “Buchanan, I was not born yesterday. I happen to know why you need money.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Stop singing that tune, Buchanan. It is so old and tired, and so am I.”

“Where’d you get your so-called information?”

“I have friends in high places. That’s all I’m saying. I can guarantee the accuracy of my information. Does the name Paul Donetto ring a bell?”

Nothing but static on the line.

“You still there?”

A pause. Then, “Yes. What do you want?”

“Me? Nothin’ at all. But Amber, she wants to be left alone to live her life. That’s not asking too much, is it?”

“Man, I need money.”

“I’m sure you do. But you’ve obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn about your sorry ass.”

“You want to give me the money then?”

Harper laughed into the phone. “You have balls, I’ll give you that.”

“Let’s just say I don’t give a rat’s ass who gives me the money, but if I don’t get it, Miss Cross’s photos will be common knowledge to every person in Bakersville.”

Red rage poured through Harper’s veins. “You do know I could have you arrested for extortion, don’t you?”

“Where’s your proof?”

“You’ve admitted it to me. And to Amber.”

“Have me arrested, and the result will be the same. Lovely Amber is exposed. Literally.”

“You really have no idea who you’re dealing with, do you? Do you think I was born yesterday?”

“You’re a farm boy, Bay.”

“A farm boy who’s also a licensed attorney. A licensed attorney who has no qualms about kicking your ass.”

No response.

Harper continued, “So let’s get something straight. You give the lady any more grief, and I’ll personally see to it that Paul Donetto gets a first class ticket to Bakersville. But you don’t have to worry about him breaking your legs.”

“Oh? Why’s that?”

“’Cause I’ll have beat him to it.”

* * *

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance