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“She’s your mother, and you deserve some answers.”

“I deserve a lot of answers. Doesn’t mean I’m going to get any.”

“Can’t hurt to try.”

She sighed and pushed her plate to the side. “The thing is, Harper, it can hurt. I don’t want to go back to San Antonio. I left for a reason. I got the hell out of Rachel’s. I don’t want to go back there.”

“Even to find out more about who you are?”

“Can’t I find out from here? I mean, you said you know Thunder Morgan. You could contact him.”

“Yes, I could do that, I suppose.”

“Would you?”

“For you?” He leaned forward—the table was so small—and brushed his lips against hers. “Anything.”

Her skin erupted in tiny bumps. Just a small peck, and here she was ready to hop into the sack with him again. And with her bed only twenty feet away—in plain view, still rumpled—it’d be darn easy.

Nope. Not going there. Not tumbling into bed with Harper just because he was tousled and sexy and oh so sweet to her.

She stood. “More coffee?”

He shook his head. “I’m doing fine. What are you doing the rest of the day?”

“No plans. I need to hit the grocery store. Pretty much all I had left was eggs and bacon. You got lucky this morning.”

“Not as lucky as I’d like to.” His voice was soft, husky, so very masculine.

She swooned just a little bit.

“I’ve been thinkin’,” he said, his voice huskier than seconds before.

“About what?”

“About us.”

“There’s an us?”

“There could be, I think. I’m not lookin’ for anything serious. Not just yet, anyway.”

“Neither am I,” she said and meant it, but her heart sank just a little.

“But I know one thing. I really want to kiss you right now.”

He stood and took the coffee pot from her hands. Amber’s breath caught as his finger trailed over her lower lip.

“You have such a gorgeous red mouth, baby.” He cupped both of her cheeks and touched his lips to hers. The kiss was light and teasing, just enough to still her resistance.

Not that she had any resistance. What a crock.

He tasted of the robust coffee, the smoky bacon, with just a hint of minty outdoorsiness, an unexpected taste of wildness. He brushed his firm full sexy lips back and forth over hers.

Her eyelids fluttered closed, and she gave herself to the kiss, to the passion and desire that flowed between them. How difficult it would be not to fall in bed with this man! The moist heat of his mouth against hers tormented her, made her want more. Made her want all of him.

The kiss became stronger, more possessive, every bit as raw and unapologetic as it was tender and sweet.


Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance