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“We’re attracted to each other. We want each other. What’s not right about that?”

How could she tell him when she didn’t know herself? All she knew is that Harper was someone special. Someone she could actually imagine a future with. And she didn’t have time for a man right now.

Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She’d just decided against men for the time being. She wanted to finally be her own person and not be subject to the whims of men like she’d been during those years at Rachel’s.

But Harper? Yes, Harper was a decent guy. A guy she could fall for. So the last thing she wanted was a one-night stand with him. If she slept with him now, she’d destroy any chance for a relationship.

Was he even looking for a relationship? Probably not. Still, sleeping with him now felt both very right and very wrong.

Very right because she was wet and horny and extremely attracted to him.

Very wrong because he was the type of guy she wanted in her future, and she might destroy that possibility if she fell into bed with him on the first date.

“I’m sorry. I know I said I wanted this.” She scooted away from him. Had to be away from him to get her body under control. Still she shuddered. It wasn’t working. “I was feeling close to you. I told you things I haven’t told anyone, and I’m not really sure why. But I don’t sleep around. I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me.”

He cocked his head. “You worked at Rachel’s.”

A sword of anger lanced through her. How dare he assume— “As a dancer, damn it. Not as a prostitute!”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that.” He stood. “I’m a big boy. It’s been a long time since I’ve slept with anyone, and the truth is, I’m horny as hell for you. But I’m also a gentleman. I understand a lady can change her mind.”

“Thank you.” She smiled, and her anxiety eased a bit. “I assure you I’m not in the habit of being a tease. If you want me to go, I will. We don’t need to have dinner.”

His dark eyes danced as he grinned. “Of course we do. I’ve got the steaks all ready to go. I hope you’ll stay.”

Thank God he wasn’t angry. “I’d love to stay. Thank you.”

“But if you expect me to have dinner with you and not jump your bones right here and now, you have to do something for me.”

“Of course. What’s that?”

An adorable dimple cut into his left cheek. “Put your shirt back on, baby. Right now you look good enough to eat.”

Amber warmed as she donned her bra and shirt. “Better?”

“Not really,” he teased, “but it’ll do for now. There’s one thing we need to get clear though.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“I like you, Miss Amber, and I’m not done tryin’ to get you into my bed.”

She laughed. “That’s fine by me. If we continue to go out and we like each other, that’s where we’ll end up. I’m looking forward to it.”

His dark eyes gleamed. “So am I.” He stood. “Now about those steaks.”

“I’ll get our salad ready.”

She went to the kitchen to start work as Harper went outside to the patio to put the steaks on the grill. He came back in with a serious look on his face.

“One thing I want to know.”

“Sure. What?”

“How did no one know till now that Thunder Morgan is your dad?”

“I never told anyone his name till you.” She shook her head. “Funny. I told you a lot of things tonight that I never talk about. My mother, for example. Rachel’s. I’ve never told Catie or Angie any of that stuff.”

“Still, you knew his name.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance