Page 2 of Must Be Love

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“Here ya go,” Mary says, as she sets my water down.

“Can I close my tab out, too?” I ask as I grab my card out of my back pocket to hand it to her.

“It’s already been taken care of,” she responds as she leaves. I hunker down with my cup of ice water and taking a few sips, hoping it’ll wake me up.

Chapter 3


I’m finishing my dinner up when Mary comes by and asks, “Can you take Aubrey to her place on your way home?”

“Who’s Aubrey?” I respond.

“The new girl, she came out with Trisha and Brittany. You know how those two are. They always leave and never care about anyone but themselves. Aubrey asked for a taxi, but you know they stopped running a while ago.”

“Yeah, I’ll take her home. Hand me her tab, too,” I tell her as I look at the girl who had me thinking things I shouldn’t out in public. Taking her home won’t be hard. It’ll be leaving her there and not knowing how she makes out through the night, that will be the hardest.

I pay my bill and Aubrey’s tab. The name is fitting for her, you can tell she’s small but she’s mighty. She has to be to work for old doctor Smith. That old man doesn’t know if he’s coming or going, unless it pertains to the animals he cares for.

“Mary, I’m making a pit stop and then I’ll grab Aubrey and take her home. Keep an eye on her?” I ask.

“Sure thing,” she replies.

I go to take care of business and come back. Aubrey is slouched on the bar. It will only be a matter of time until she’s sleeping and waking up in a sticky mess from the bar.

I tap her on the arm, trying not to scare her, but she still jolts up, almost falling off her stool. I hold onto her shoulders firmly.

“Who are you?” she mumbles.

“I’m Cade. Mary asked me to take you home,” I tell her.

“You don’t have to do that. I can walk,” her eyes slowly start to close, and I know I’m going to be carrying her to my truck.

“Up we go, Aubs,” I tell her, and I lift her up, bridal style.

“Mary, can you grab the door and open my truck door for me?” I ask, as I walk to the bar door.

“Right behind you,” she calls out and then I’m following her to my truck. It’s a damn mess from working out of it all week, but it’ll have to do in a pinch.

“You have her address?” I ask Mary, then she rattles it off. It’s the apartments not too far from here. She takes Aubrey’s keys out her front pocket and hands them to me.

“Thanks again, Cade!” She hollers as I’m backing out of the parking spot. Seems Aubrey is already passed out asleep.

It pisses me off to think those two tarts left her there to fend for herself. Sure, she’s a grown woman. It still doesn’t make it right, especially if they gave her a ride to the bar. Hopefully, Aubrey learned her lesson and won’t hang out with them again.

Chapter 4


I feel weightless, as if I’m being carried. I snuggle in deep and can smell the scent of pine, fresh air, and fresh cut wood. I snuggle in deeper and I hear the rough grumble of someone’s voice.

“I got you, Aubs,” he croons.

I settle back in and take in the smell. I’m floating in and out of sleep, when I feel like I’m being lifted again. This time, I open my eyes and see the handsome man I saw at the bar. I smile thinking this must be a dream. He’s even hotter up close. He has a beard that’s trimmed down, it’s as dark in color, even darker than the hair I can see peeking out of his ball cap. His eyes are a chocolate brown with yellow flecks. His flannel shirt is open at the collar and I can see the white tee shirt he has underneath.

I’m no sooner feeling weightless, and now I feel my bed beneath my body. I can smell the comfort of home. I roll over and snuggle into my pillow, feeling a shiver in the air.

I kick off my shoes, thanking myself for wearing booties that are easy to take off. I grab the blanket, but it’s already being pulled on top of me.

I close my eyes and whisper out, “Thank you, Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome,” and promptly pass out.

Chapter 5


She’s adorable when she’s drunk. I hate leaving her, but I knew I couldn’t stay while she was sleeping. I tucked her into bed and even chuckled when she thanked me. I go to her kitchen and look for a glass, fill it up with water, and bring it back to her room. I place it on her nightstand and see a pad of paper and pen on top of it.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance