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“I’ll find my own husband, thank you very much.”

Rafe’s eyes turned into dinner plates. Shit! What a big mouth she had.

“I’ve got to go, Harp. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Be at Ma’s at seven sharp.”

“God. Whatever. I’ve got to go.”

She clicked the phone off and turned to Rafe. “That’s not what it sounded like.”

“Yeah?” He fumbled with his fork. “It sounded like you’re looking for a husband.”

“No, I’m not. That is, I’d rather not be.”

“Sorry. I’m not following.”

“Oh, Rafe, it’s a huge mess.” She pushed her plate of eggs away. “And it’s a long sordid story.”

“I don’t have anywhere to be. Do you?”

Just right here. Forever. “No.”

“Then tell me if you want to. I’ll try to help.”

Thing was, he could help her. But would he? Slowly, with some tears she tried to hide unsuccessfully, she poured out the story of Uncle Jefferson Bay and Great-Grandpa’s will.

“So if I don’t get married in the next two months, I can’t inherit my share of the western slope ranch.” She sighed. “Simple as that.”

Rafe’s dark eyes glazed over. What was he thinking? She had no idea, but he didn’t look happy.

“I wish there was something I could do to help.”

“Well”—she cleared her throat—“there is, actually.”

He lowered his gaze. Why wouldn’t he look at her?

“I guess it’s clear from this story that I need to get married if I want my inheritance. I’m sorry if you think it’s part of me being a spoiled brat, but I do want my inheritance. I have no other income.” Crap, this didn’t make her sound too good. “Don’t get me wrong. I have an education in health sciences. I could probably get a job somewhere. I’m not completely useless.”

You’re babbling, Angie.

He still wasn’t looking at her.

“Anyway, my daddy was insistent that I learn to ride well, as you know. And he also wanted me to learn about ranching to prepare me for the inheritance. Of course he didn’t know about this thing in his grandpa’s will. Otherwise I’m sure he’d have made sure I was married by now. I don’t know how, but Daddy would have taken care of everything.”

Still babbling.

“Anyway, I guess I need a husband, and I was thinking, you seem to like me a little.” She gave what she hoped was a teasing smile.

Still no response. She took a deep breath. Might as well finish up.

“So would you consider it? Marrying me, that is?”

He still studied the sheets.

“Would you at least look at me?”

He looked up, and sadness laced his beautiful dark eyes.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance