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She mounted the mare and practiced the leg exercises Rafe had taught her. Belle circled to the left, and then to the right.

“Good girl,” Angie said.

But circles weren’t helping her escape. She wanted to ride. Preferably over the horizon to a place free from heartache and worry.

She clicked to Belle and let the mare walk away from the practice area. What a gentle horse. She let Belle move into a trot. That was it. She couldn’t handle anything more. No cantering or galloping. The trot was nice, though her butt was bouncing up and down on the saddle. Not good. She gripped her legs around Belle’s girth and tried to steady herself.

So far so good.

The McCray ranch was beautiful. Green and plentiful, cattle and horses grazing. Fresh late summer air. The golden warmth of the late afternoon sun heated her cheeks. Yes, she could enjoy this. Why, she asked herself again, had she ever stopped rid


Daddy’d been right. She should have learned about ranch life long before now. Course what good would it have done her? She no longer owned a ranch. Not unless she could find someone to marry her in the next few months. How in the hell would she do that?

She’d have to marry not for love, but for convenience, like her parents had.

She thought for a moment. Daddy’s brother had been in love with Mama. Could Mama have been in love with him too?

She shook her head. Mama had slept with Daddy, and she, Angie, was the result. Perhaps Mama had never known of Jefferson’s feelings. Yet she hadn’t seemed surprised when he’d brought up the story in the office.

What else didn’t she know about her mother and father? She wasn’t sure she wanted to know anything more. She’d rather remember her daddy as the kind and loving man he’d been.

She rode and she rode. The orange sun sank lower in the sky. Time to turn back. How long had she been riding? She had no idea. She hadn’t worn a watch, and she’d left her cell phone in Belle’s stall. She hadn’t wanted to be bothered with anything this afternoon.

Hadn’t wanted to think about her future. Or lack thereof.

Hadn’t wanted to think about the possibility of an arranged marriage, when she only wanted marriage to one man.

She gasped in a breath.

Why not?

She could propose to Rafe. She could explain her situation. Maybe he’d marry her. Even if he didn’t love her yet, he could grow to love her. And she could help him. Her ranch could help him. Her money could help buy that place in Arizona he wanted for his father. He’d own his own ranch—well, half. But Catie and Chad would be here, so it would, for all intent and purpose, be their ranch. Hers and Rafe’s.

Excited at the thought, she urged Belle into a gallop before she realized her mistake.

Oh no! Belle was going so fast, and Angie’s bottom was already sore from the trotting.

Maintain, Angie, maintain. It’s not like you’ve never been on a horse before. You can control her.

She pulled back on the reins. Rafe would hate her for this. He hated reins. Thank God she’d used a bit today.

Belle whinnied and didn’t slow.

Come on, girl. Slow down!

Angie tried the reins again.


No effect.

Belle was running free as the wind and clearly had no intention of stopping. The poor thing was probably tired of trotting for so long.

Angie didn’t think she was in any immediate danger. Why not enjoy it? She’d deal with her sore ass later.

Strands of hair came loose from her twin ponytails and whipped her in the face. Freeing. Exhilarating. The wind rushed at her. Specks of who knows what sanded her face. Instant exfoliation! The nature surrounding her ran past her as if in motion itself, tantalized her, made her forget her troubles. Finally, when Belle seemed to be relaxing, she tried the reins again.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance