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Our dinner date. “I’m sorry, Rafe. I should have called but I fell asleep. My…my father passed away today.”

Silence. Then, “Oh God, baby, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know he was ill.”

“I didn’t know either, until yesterday.” But I should have known. “He kept it from us. That’s why I came to you last night. I couldn’t be alone. And this morning I wanted to talk.”

“I know. I should have let you talk. I should have talked to you last night. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you like that.”

She let out a huff and shook her head. “You didn’t take advantage of me. I wanted you. I think that was pretty obvious.”

“I understand. Making love is the ultimate sign of life. It made sense for you to want it in the face of death.”

No, no. He had it all wrong! She hadn’t wanted to make love. She’d specifically wanted to make love with him. She loved him.

Yet she hadn’t told him any of that yet. And right now, she didn’t have the energy to confess her love and face that he might not return her feelings. That would take more strength than she possessed at this moment.

“Angie, have you eaten anything today?”


“I’m coming over and bringing you dinner.”


“No argument. I made some great stuffed pork chops and homemade applesauce. Good old comfort food. You’ll love it. I’ll pick up some wine on the way.”

“Rafe, I don’t know. I’m a mess.”

“I don’t care. I’ll be there in half an hour.”

Course he had no idea where she lived. Probably got that information from Amber too.

Amber. She should call Amber. But she couldn’t find the strength to even press speed dial. Catie would let their friend know. She wasn’t as broken up as Angie was. Catie loved their daddy, Angie knew, but she wasn’t as close to him. Besides, she was married now. She had Chad. And their baby on the way.

Who did Angie have?

Harper. Harper was strong. He’d help her get through this. But he was her baby brother.

She needed strong arms to hold her while she cried, a soothing voice to tell her everything would be okay, even when she knew it wouldn’t be.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. Rafe.

The door squeaked open. “Angie?”

His voice sent ripples through her. Even in her discombobulated state he affected her. “I’m up here.”

Sounds came from the kitchen, and then the stairs creaked as Rafe ascended. She looked a fright, but she didn’t care. Either he loved her or he didn’t. Or he could grow to love her or he couldn’t. This was Angelina Bay at her worst. If he couldn’t take it, she’d be better off without him. Though she couldn’t bear that possibility.

He peeked into her room. “Hey there.”

“Hi, Rafe.”

“Oh, baby.” He came to her, sat down on the bed and took one hand in his. “I am so, so sorry. You must have loved your daddy a lot.”

The damn broke. She cried all the tears she’d tried to cry during the afternoon when all she could muster were silent weeps. She cried for her daddy, for herself, for any children she might have who’d never know their wonderful grandpa. She cried for her mama, for her loss, even though they hadn’t had a marriage of passion. They’d had a marriage of respect and deep friendship. She cried for Catie and Harper. But mostly she cried for herself and how no one would ever adore her the way Wayne Alan Bay had.

She cried, and she cried, and she cried.

Rafe’s black shirt was a mass of tears and nose drippings by the time she finally quieted.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance