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“Chad,” Catie said, “he was just going to help me saddle Ladybird for a ride.”

“I know how these hands are, Catie. They can’t keep their hands to themselves around a beautiful woman. You stay clear of them.”

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I grew up around ranch hands. They’re fine.”

“Look, Chad. She’s your wife, I get it. I was just gettin’ to know her, that’s all.”

“Go on and do your job, Grayhawk. I’ll saddle Catie’s horse.”

“As you say, boss.”

Once Rafe had left, Chad dragged Catie into the stable and pushed her against the wall. The faint smell of horse manure mixed with the fresh scent of hay assaulted Catie’s nose. Until Chad’s face came within an inch of hers, and then all she could smell was him. Spicy Chad. Musky Chad. Manly Chad. Her husband. She inhaled deeply.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he demanded.

His cheeks reddened and his nostrils flared. Catie flinched. He was angry. Really angry. Possibly more angry than when she’d told him she was pregnant.

“I… I was going to take a ride. I’m…a little stressed Chad. I—”

He silenced her with a punishing kiss. His lips clamped onto hers, forcing her mouth open, his tongue thrusting inside. She gasped, trying to breathe through her nose, but he was holding her so close, so tight. She pushed at his chest and tried to free herself, but it was no use. He held her against the wall, against his body. She was trapped.

Chad finally ripped his mouth away, and they both took deep breaths.

“What…is wrong…with you?” Catie’s words came out between gasps. “I just wanted to see Lady—”

“Shut up!” He crushed his mouth to hers again.

The kiss was gentler this time, though not by much. He swept into her mouth like a tidal wave, thrusting with his tongue and then retreating, while he simultaneously thrust his hips and ground them into hers, mimicking what he was doing to her mouth with his tongue. What she instinctively knew he wanted to do with his cock.

Would do with his cock. He was already unsnapping her jeans.

She tried to escape his kiss, but to no avail. He held her fast. Her slim form was no match for his musculature. He held her fast against his broad hard chest as he unzipped her jeans and plunged his long, thick fingers inside. She gasped into his mouth, and he groaned. She felt, more than heard it, a faint rumble in her mouth, against her breasts. She began to writhe as he touched her, grinding into his hand.

He broke their kiss with a loud smack.

“God, you’re so fucking wet.” He shuddered against her. “You like it when I touch you there, don’t you, sugar?”

Catie’s breath puffed against Chad’s cheek. His words were a husky whisper against her sweaty neck.

“Don’t you?” he said again.

“Y-Yes. You know I do.”

“Why’d you leave my bed this morning?” He nibbled on her neck. Tiny little nips that turned into bites. They stung. A little bit pleasure, a little bit pain.


“I woke up and you were gone.” He bit her earlobe. “I wanted you next to me.”

“But this isn’t…”

She lost her train of thought for few seconds as he sucked on the spot below her ear that made her crazy. She sighed, and then gasped as he bit her neck again. Still his fingers worked her. She squirmed as tiny sparks erupted on her skin.

She inhaled, and then answered his question. “It’s not a real marriage.”

He backed off a little at that. He looked straight at her, his dark eyes scalding hot. He grabbed her hand, led it to his crotch, and rubbed it over his denim-clad arousal. “Does this feel real to you, sugar?”

“It… It was never a question of that.” She closed her eyes he slid his fingers through her folds and pushed one inside her. She gasped. The invasion was so sweet, so right.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance