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“Heck. You still on that kick?”


“I don’t know, sugar. It might be too late to enter."

“Dallas said he’d get me in.” She yawned. “And I’m gonna win, too.”

He chuckled and ran his fingers over her cheek. “You’re tired as a mule in a horse race, sugar. Probably still jet-lagging. Go to sleep, okay? I’ll take you home in the morning.”

Catie nodded, and snuggled up to Chad’s hard body.

A few hours later, she awoke to Chad’s arm slung across her waist.

Home. She had to get home. Before dawn would be the best, though she was twenty-one, and she sure shouldn’t have to answer to her parents about where she’d been.

She could borrow one of Chad’s horses and be home before sunup.

As delicately as she could, she eased Chad’s arm away from her.

He tightened his hold on her in response.

“Mmm. Catie.” His voice was husky and sleep filled. His eyes didn’t open.


No response.

Yeah, he was asleep.

She attempted to nudge his arm away again.

“Mmm. Stay with me,” he murmured. “I’ve waited so long for you.” He let out a soft snore.

He was asleep. Dreaming, no doubt. Catie’s pulse raced anyway, and warm joy surged through her.

I’ve waited so long for you.

Was he thinking of her? Dreaming of her?

She turned her head and kissed the hard muscles of his upper arm that held her bound.

She’d gladly stay.

Forever, if he’d have her.

Chapter Seven

Catie awoke, and for a moment, didn’t know where she was. The soreness between her legs jogged her memory. Chad had taken her virginity last night.


She jerked up and looked around the room. He was gone. Well, he couldn’t have gone far. Catie stretched and relished the warmth from the sun’s summer rays entering the bay window in Chad’s bedroom. She looked around. Hadn’t bothered to last night.

This was Chad’s room all right. Shades of hunter green and mahogany veiled h

is walnut furniture. The beautiful bedstead was ornately carved. Not something she thought Chad would choose. It looked almost antique. She made a mental note to ask him about it. She got up and walked around, still stark naked. On his dresser rested several trophies from rodeo events. She’d known Chad for years, though, and this couldn’t be the extent of his trophies. No doubt he had a whole room full of them somewhere in this giant house.

His closet was open, and she peeked in. The size of a small office, it was filled with mostly jeans and western shirts. She chuckled aloud at the thirty-two pairs of cowboy boots she counted. Who said only women had a thing for shoes? Truth to tell, boots and shoes combined, Catie’s collection didn’t equal near thirty-two. She never was a clotheshorse like her sister, Angie. Give her a pair of worn in boots and jeans, a comfy cotton shirt, and she was set.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance