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A Month Later

“She had the eye of every single man around.” Chad clapped Dallas on the back and kissed the cheek of his new sister-in-law. “You’re lucky you saw her first, big brother.”

“I know,” Dallas said, squeezing his wife’s hand. “Believe me, I know.”

The small wedding held at Laurie McCray’s sprawling ranch house had turned into a lavish reception, complete with a champagne fountain and buffet dinner with a giant baron of McCray roast beef. Annie’s parents had flown out and Sylvia and Laurie had become fast friends.

“Come dance with me, Chad.”

Annie turned to see Caitlyn Bay, looking exquisite in a clingy dress of pink silk. Chad’s eyes widened. Clearly he took notice of his pretty young neighbor.

“I’m not much of a dancer, Catie,” he said.

“What a crock,” Catie said. “You’ve danced with every woman here, including my mother and my sister. I want my turn.”

“I don’t think it would be appropriate.”

Annie pulled Chad close and whispered, “Dance with her. It would mean a lot to her.”

“She’s just a kid, Annie.”

“Dance with her anyway. It’s my wedding. Do it for me.”

“Christ. All right.” He turned back to Catie and took her arm. “Let’s cut the rug, little bit.”

Annie winced at the term little bit. “Lord, he’s going to break her heart,” she said to Dallas.

“Break her heart? She’s a kid, Doc.”

“She’s seventeen, Cowboy. That’s darn close to eighteen.”

“Still a kid.”

“Not according to your great State of Colorado. Or the United States, for that matter.”

“And Chad’s twenty-eight.”

“So? Next year he’ll be twenty-nine, and she’ll be eighteen. Legal and all. She’s in love with him, Dallas. Look at the stars in her eyes.”

“Chad has more than enough women in love with him as it is. More than even he can handle, and they’re all over twenty-one. Catie’s just a friend of the family.”

“You are blind as a bat. She’s in love.”

“If it’s anything, it’s just a crush.”

“Husband, you are so naive.”

His lazy grin started her heart racing. “I like it when you say that.”

“That you’re naive?”

He cupped her cheek in his hand. “Nah. When you call me husband.”

“Ah. In that case, husband, husband, husband. My gorgeous, rugged, incredible husband. Would you do something for me?”

“Anything. I’m at your command.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance