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She groaned and raised her hips to meet him. “God, Cowboy. Please.”

He ground his pelvis into hers. “I want you so much, Annie. So much.” He plunged into her and felt the edge of her womb against his cock. “I can’t think of anything else.” Thrust. “I’m hard all the time.” Thrust. “I can’t eat. I can’t sleep.” Thrust. “Help me. Help me get over you.” Thrust.

Annie sobbed into his shoulder. She spoke, but Dallas couldn’t make out the words. He pushed into her heat again and again, raining kisses on her neck and cheeks in rhythm with his thrusts. When she cried out in climax, he shuddered with his own release.

He lay on top of her for a few moments, listening to her breathing, enveloped in her soothing presence. If only…


His cell phone brought him abruptly back to reality. He didn’t take the call, but he stood, pulled up his boxers, and refastened his jeans and belt.

“Go,” he said.

“Go where? You ripped my top. I… I…” Her eyes misted with tears.

He felt like a monster. He shouldn’t have touched her. Now it would be harder for both of them. The urge to cradle her in his arms overwhelmed him. But he’d be strong.

“I’m so sorry, Annie.” He sank to the couch and buried his head in his hands. “Please. Just go.”

“Fine.” She sniffed, holding the two sides of her shorn blouse together. “Do me a favor though.”


“Don’t you dare ever touch me again.” She walked away and slammed the door behind her.

Dallas curled into the couch, inhaling the smoky aroma of the leather mixed with Annie’s spicy tropical fragrance. A tear formed in the corner of his eye, but he abruptly stopped it.

He had learned a long time ago that crying was a waste of time.

* * *

Annie ran straight to her car. If anyone saw her, she wasn’t aware of it. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she drove home, her blouse in tatters.

To be taken so forcefully had scared her at first. Had been too much like… But then her feelings had changed. All thoughts except one had flown from her mind. Suddenly her world had become Dallas, as he thrust into her, wanting her, touching her, desiring her in a boundless passion. It had been beautiful. A perfect melding of two bodies, two hearts, two souls.

For her at least.

She had promised herself she’d never cry over a man again, and here she was less than two weeks in Colorado and she’d broken her vow.

It was best to stay away from the McCrays from now on. Unfortunately, that meant no friendship with Dusty, no cooking with Seraphina, and no lunch with Chad tomorrow. She’d call and leave him a message when she got home. He’d be at the party until late, so she could leave an innocuous voice mail on his home line.

By the time she drove into the alley behind the clinic, she had figured it all out. No more McCrays.

Still holding her torn blouse together, she reached for her key and inserted it into her deadbolt. She was astonished to find it unlocked.

“Hi, hon.”

Racked with surprise, she dropped both her hands, exposing her well-used breasts to her mother’s startled gaze.

Chapter Ten

Sylvia DeSimone’s blue gaze raked over her daughter’s body, lines of worry etched on her delicate features. “What on earth happened to you? Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine, Ma. How did you get in here?”

“I called your landlord. He let me in.” Her mother rose and touched Annie’s face. “You’ve been bawling. And considering the state of your clothes, you can understand my concern.”

“No concern needed. I wasn’t attacked. Or raped. Or any other horrible thing. I promise.” Though standing with her breasts fully exposed, not to mention commando under her skirt, she understood how anyone would think otherwise. She kissed her mother’s cheek lightly. “I’m fine. Really. Let me go change and I’ll be right with you.”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance