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Zach was right, but Dallas had still failed, and if he got involved with another woman who was capable of lying to him, he might fail again. “Whatever.”

“Can’t you give Dr. Annie a chance?”

Dallas inhaled and raked his fingers through his thick hair. “Part of me wants to hold onto her and never let her go.”

“That’s the part I’d listen to, brother.”

“But it’s complicated.”

“Nah. It’s really not.” Zach walked toward the door. “Stay here and hide if you want. I’ve got to get back outside or Dusty’ll have a fit. Besides, I’m on critter duty for a while.”

“I’ll be glad to look after him for you.”

“That’s okay. You stay here and mope.” Zach shook his head and chuckled as he walked off.

Dallas wasn’t sure how long he stayed in Zach’s office. Various guests passed by the door, some poking their heads in to say a quick hello. He sat in Zach’s leather desk chair, his hands behind his head, feet on the desk, wondering what the hell to do, when a rustling of silk and rayon whisked by the door, followed by a subtle breeze laced with hints of coconut and tulips.


“He’s too young for you,” Dallas called out. He thought for a moment that she hadn’t heard him, but then her burgundy highlighted head of curls peeked into the office.

“Did you speak to me?”

Damn, that biting Jersey accent was unbelievably adorable. “Yeah. I said he’s too young for you.”

“Chad? He’s twenty-eight.”

“And you’re thirty. That would make you a cougar.”

“A thirty-year-old woman and a twenty-eight-year-old man is hardly the stuff of scandal, Cowboy. I mean, Dallas.” She entered the office and looked around. “Harvard, huh?” she said, looking at Zach’s BA and MBA. “I hear you’re a Yale man.”


“Okay. Well, see you around.”

“Don’t get involved with Chad.”

Annie turned back around and faced Dallas. Her violet eyes darkened to a soft aubergine. “I don’t see the problem. Why shouldn’t I date your brother? You’ve made it painfully obvious that you don’t want me.”

Dallas rose and walked to the door and shut it. “That’s where you’re wrong, Annie. I want you so much I’m burning inside.” His body was on fire. His gaze seared into her flesh.

Annie backed away, her hands fumbling for something behind her. “Then I fail to see why you’ve been avoiding me like the plague.”

“It’s complicated.”

“That’s a coward’s answer, Cowboy.” Her voice cracked, but remained steady. “You held me in my bed that first night when I needed you. The next night you made love to me so many times I lost count. I told you I don’t sleep around, but I slept with you. I don’t regret it, and I didn’t think you did either. Until breakfast on Sunday.”

“I can’t talk about this right now, Annie.” He advanced toward her, like an animal stalking his mate.

“Then there’s nothing to…”

He fingered a curl that had come loose from her clip.

“Oh God. Don’t do this.” Her violet eyes smoldered and her lips trembled.

Yeah, she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“Don’t do what?”

Tags: Helen Hardt The Temptation Saga Romance