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Speaking of, I see her car in the parking lot. She’s not anywhere where I can see her, so I head into the doctor’s office. I see her immediately. There she is, beautiful and hunched over a clipboard as she fills out paperwork.

I walk over to where she’s sitting, taking a sit next to her, and watch her for a few minutes. She’s so lost in her work that she doesn’t realize I’m here until I clear my throat.

She lifts her head and sees me and that’s when I know she’s completely gone for me like I am for her. The smile on her face. The way she forgets the paperwork she was working on and her hands are tangled in my hair as she brings her lips to mine. I let her takeover the kiss, but when her tongue sneaks out to lick my bottom lip, it takes everything I have not to devour her here in the doctor’s office.

I nip her lip as she pulls back and our foreheads meet, and we stay still with our eyes locked on each other.

“Hey,” she whispers out. Her shirt is hanging off of one shoulder and I can see she has some kind of lace bra thing on. The things I would do to her, if we weren’t in public.

“Baby,” I grumble out. We part ways and she finishes filling out her paperwork while we wait for the nurse to call us into a room.


When the nurse called us back, she took me into a room before the actual exam room to take my vitals and the dreaded weight. I made Jake turn around when she did the last part. I know I’m pregnant with his child, but still there are some things a man doesn’t need to know or see.

She escorts us into a room where she tells me to strip down and put a gown on, with the opening in the front.

“The doctor will be in shortly,” she says, as she walks out. I start to undress when I hear Jake grouse, “This better be a female doctor.”

I can’t help it. I let out a loud laugh, my whole body starts to shake, that’s how funny I think him grumbling about my doctor is.

He sits back in the chair as I continue to strip out of my clothes. I’m down to just my bra and panties, when he rubs his hands down his face and says, “You just keep getting more beautiful every day, Rissa.”

I hold back my tears that I know will be on the verge of spilling down my cheeks. My curves have gotten curvier. My hips are wider, my thighs touch more than they ever have, and my breasts — I swear they doubled in size during this last trimester and here Jake is, telling me how beautiful I am.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him I love him, when he stands up and walks over to me. He turns me around and unclasps my bra, kissing a path down my spine as he pushes my panties down to the floor. I do a full body shiver as he grabs the gown from the table the nurse laid it on and helps me in it.

“I’m so lucky to have you,” I finally whisper out.

“We’re lucky to have each other, Baby,” he says and kisses my forehead and backs away. I see what he’s trying to hide as he sits down. Being around Jake the past few days has made my desire for him go rampant and I know after the baby is born it’s going to be six weeks before he’s inside me again.

“Knock, knock,” we hear and both turn our heads towards the door.

“Come in,” I say clearing my throat. Trying to stop the rampant thoughts that I was just having in my head.

“Hi, Larissa, I’m Dr. Patel,” she says and shakes my hand and then does the same to Jake.

“Hi, Dr. Patel,” I respond. She sits down on the stool as we talk about things, how I’ll be coming in every week from now on, and I’ll be doing a kick count sheet daily as a precaution to make sure the baby is active and moving.

I’ve read every book I could, having the time to learn everything. He didn’t, Dr. Patel answers all of his questions with patience and understanding.

“I’m just going to check you and then we can do an ultrasound. Do you want to find out the sex of the baby? I know you didn’t at your previous doctor’s office,” she states.

I look over at Jake and I can see it written on his face. He wants to know, and I want him to know.

“Yes,” I tell her, and Jake’s hand finds mine and we hold hands while she does her business “downtown” and she says, “Everything looks great. Continue walking and drinking lots of water. I’ll be right back with the ultrasound technician, and she’ll do a scan and tell you the news. You can get dressed, shirt up and pants lowered. I’m sure you’ll be more comfortable that way.”

Tags: Tory Baker Romance