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“I know, you’re the best Grammie I could ever ask for, I’ll just miss him and well…you know. It’s my first time leaving him,” Larissa mumbles out.

“If we have any problems, I’ll call right away,” my mom explains.

“Thank you,” I tell mom and kiss her forehead and bend down to glide my finger down Eli’s chin and then give him a kiss on his forehead.

He may only be six weeks old, but he has my heart. Much like his mother does.

I grab Larissa’s hand, knowing if we don’t leave now, we won’t ever.

“Come on, Baby. Let’s go find our boy a home,” I tell her as we head to the elevator.

“Yeah, okay. Maybe we’ll get lucky and it won’t take too long?” She questions with hope in her voice.

“Probably, with the list I sent over to the realtor on what we both wanted. I don’t see us needing to look at a hundred properties. Do you?”

“No, and if it’s not perfect, we can always make it perfect for us later on,” she replies with a smile.

I bring her in close to my body. Her face is tilted up towards me and I lean down into her. I take her mouth in a searing kiss and we make out like two lovesick teenagers until the elevator dings.

When we part, her smile is back, and her tears are dried.


“Jake!” I scream. This is our third home tour of the day and it’s the best freaking one ever. It’s a historical home from the early 1900’s and it’s in the historical district. I’m in freaking love. Sure, it needs some exterior work. Like paint and landscaping, but for the most part it’s perfect. I’m already envisioning the walls being painted a light grey color. It would really pop with all of the white trim work and the dark oak floors. It’s incredible.

“Yeah, Baby,” he replies, as he sneaks into the kitchen. The realtor and him were talking out front about the sidewalk that was cracked. I couldn’t wait much longer. The pictures did not do this property justice.

“Can we please, please, please buy this one? I know I won’t be contributing a lot right away, but I will be going back to work when Eli’s bigger. Maybe something I can do from home, so he won’t have to be in daycare,” I plead with him.

“Have you seen the rest of the house yet? You know I don’t give a goddamn if you ever work again. We haven’t discussed everything yet, but when we do, you’ll know my thoughts, too.” That’s all he has to say and he’s right. I haven’t, but I’m already half in love with what I’ve seen. They somehow opened up some of the walls, and yet kept the integrity of it.

“Well, no. Look how gorgeous this is, the rest of the house is probably just as gorgeous, if not more so. I know we haven’t talked about our future, but I’d like to soon, if possible?” My eyes are looking at his and I see the mirth in them.

“Let’s go look. The outside doesn’t need too much. We’ll still need a general contractor. I’m a lot of things, Baby, but a GC isn’t one of them,” he says as he grabs my hand and we walk around the big two-story house.

We walk through what will be Eli’s room and three other bedrooms. I get my hopes up, praying that we’ll have more than just one child running around. There’s one bathroom by those four bedrooms and on the other end of the hall is the master bedroom. Two heavy double doors open and it’s amazing. The craftsmanship is out of this world. There’s a wood burning chimney, a seating area, a huge closet, and an even better master bathroom. It even has a claw foot tub.

“You like it, Larissa,” Jake asks.

“I don’t like it. I love it,” I squeal as I jump into his arms. My back meets the wall in the bedroom and my hands dive into his hair and I kiss him.

Jake breaks our kiss, but holds me against the wall with his body as he says words that I will never ever forget. “I’m so thankful to have you in my life, so fucking happy you’re our boy’s mom, and I’m so lucky you’re mine. All mine. I. Love. You,” he says with conviction.

I’m in tears, they’re rolling down my cheeks and Jake watches me as I say those three words I’ve been holding back, but not anymore. No way, he deserves to know.

“I love you, with my whole heart, for my whole life.”

We kiss each other, my hands are fisting in his shirt to rip it over his head. He stops my hands and reminds me, “The realtor is down the hall.”

“Well, shit,” I say, and we laugh together until our rampant hormones calm down.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance