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“You know, Irv, this chit looks a tad familiar to me. She’s that preacher’s girl, I think.”

Irv breathed on her again, and Ella heaved. Nausea overwhelmed her. Her belly cramped and she heaved again. Nothing came up.

Jasper guffawed. “Seems you make her sick, Irv.”

“You’re right. She is the preacher’s brat.” Irv bent and ran his tongue over Ella’s cheek.

Ella grimaced and her bowels churned.

“You cain’t take her,” Jasper said. “You’ll go to hell fer sure.”

Irv let out a chortle. “Think I’m goin’ already. So what’s the harm in takin’ a little honey before I go?”

“Well.” Jasper spat a wad of saliva onto the moss.

The mixture of phlegm and tobacco landed next to Ella. She heaved again.

“I guess you got yerself a point there.”

Ella thought quickly. Papa had always said she could sell spectacles to a blind man. Here was her chance. “You’re wrong,” she said. “You can go to heaven. All you have to do is ask for forgiveness and live a righteous life hereafter.”

“You’re lyin’ through your teeth, little lady,” Irv said. “There ain’t no way God’ll ever forgive my reckless life.”

“You’re wrong. I swear it.” She fidgeted. This had to work. It had to. “My father’s a preacher. I should know.”

“She has a point, Irv,” Jasper said.

“See? He believes me.”

“Hmm.” Irv lifted his brow. “All I need to do to get to heaven is ask for forgiveness. Lead a righteous life?”

“Yes. I swear it. God will forgive you. You have my word.” Please, Ella begged silently. Please let them believe me and leave me alone. Raven. Oh, Raven, where are you?

“That’s darn nice to know, little lady,” Irv said, and then spat. “And I think I might just believe you after all.”

“I’m glad.” Ella breathed a sigh of relief.

“Just one thing though.” An evil smile spread over his pockmarked face. “I reckon he’ll forgive me tomorrow as well as today. So that means I can taste a little of you before I begin this here new righteous life o’ mine.”

“Now you’re talkin’,” Jasper said. “I never thought of it that way.”

“That’s why I’m the brains o’ this operation,” Irv said. He tore Ella’s dress down the front, revealing her breasts through her chemise.

“No. Please.” Ella hated to beg, but she had no choice. She couldn’t bear the thought of these men’s dirty hands on her body. She gathered all her strength, but couldn’t move against both of them. “Y-You’re wrong. Now that you know the truth of God, he will punish you if you don’t start your righteous life. He…he’ll send you to h-hell. Tonight. I swear it!”

Irv’s evil laugh slithered over Ell,a and she heaved again. This time the remains of her dinner appeared, covering Jasper’s phlegm.

“Damn, Irv,” Jasper said, “Guess we can’t kiss her now.”

“Hell, I reckon she stil

l tastes better than I do.” Irv let out a raspy chuckle. “And get a load o’ those.” He grabbed Ella’s breast.

She screamed as Irv closed his mouth over hers.

She squirmed as he forced his tongue past her lips. She retched, writhing to get away from him. His clammy hands traveled downward and lifted her skirts. When his fingers grazed her thigh, her body shook violently. She tried to scream, but his mouth still covered hers.

In the near distance, a high-pitched shriek ribboned through the night air. A strangely melodic sound.

Tags: Helen Hardt Daughters of the Prairie Romance