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Ella gasped, and a high pitched squeak escaped her throat. The sensation of his chest against her soft breasts enthralled her. He was warm, and oh, so hard. Her nipples tightened further, until she was certain he could feel them poking into his muscle. Chills ran through her body, and the moist place between her legs pulsed. Nothing, Ella decided, had ever felt quite so good.

“Oh, Raven.” Her voice was breathy, as though it came from above their bodies.

“Good, tehila?”

“I had no idea.”

He chuckled softly. “This is only the beginning.” He lowered her gently to the soft ground. “You are so very beautiful. So perfectly made by the Great Spirit. Skin the color of the moonlight that shines above us.”

He ran his hand over her shoulder, over the hill of her breasts, cupping one. Ella inhaled sharply. His touch was foreign, yet she’d never felt anything quite so right.



“Will you touch me? On my…” Ella couldn’t form the word.

“Anywhere you like.” He flicked his thumb over a nipple.

She arched upward, moaning.

“There? You want me to touch you there?”

“Yes. Please.”

Raven kneaded both breasts together and ran his thumbs in circles over her nipples. Ella shuddered, her entire body prickling with awareness and pleasure. When he plucked a nipple between his fingers and tugged, she groaned and nearly shot upward. The sensation traveled over her body and landed between her legs.

“Raven! I feel so—”

“Shh, tehila. Let me pleasure you.” He smoothed a finger through the valley between her breasts. “Would you like me to kiss you here?”

Kiss her? On her breasts? “That’s not where you kiss.”

He laughed, a slow, deep rumble. “Why not? I kiss your cheeks, your neck, your sweet lips. Why not the rest of you?”


“There is only the beginning, tehila. I wish to kiss you everywhere. But I’ll start with these.”

“Raven, I don’t know…” Yes, please. Kiss them.

“You like my hands there, do you not?”

She sighed, trying to catch her breath.”

“My mouth there will please you, Ella. I promise.”

He lowered his head and brushed his lips lightly over the skin above her nipple. She quivered, rolling her head back against the soft mossy ground and closing her eyes. The sleek warmth of his tongue claimed her, and when he grazed over a hard nipple, her body jerked and her eyes opened. A blazing flame flickered under her nipple and traveled outward, igniting her entire body. He continued licking. She moaned, and just when she thought she couldn’t take any more of this torturous pleasure, he latched onto a tender bud and sucked.

Any rational part of her brain that was left fled. The soft tugs of his lips on her nipple catapulted her into a frenzied dreamworld. From some faraway place, her own voice cried his name, begged him to continue, to tug harder, to make her his. And even farther in the distance, the Indian drums thumped rapidly, in pace with her heart.


A voice. Raven’s voice.


Her eyes fluttered open, and she gazed into a blur. She blinked, trying to focus. Raven. His black eyes seared into hers. Why had he stopped kissing her?

Tags: Helen Hardt Daughters of the Prairie Romance