Page 11 of Carried Away

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“I’m okay with that,” I say as I put the car in drive and place my hand on the inside of her thigh. Her hand covers mine and we head towards her home, wishing like fuck her home was with me.

“As long as you’re sure,” she mumbles and turns to look out the window.

It doesn’t take us very long to get to her house. I should be nervous to be meeting her mom this soon. Yet, I’m not. It’s just another thing that will solidify us.

I walk around to her door and help her out of the car. Then I grab her luggage from the trunk hating that she isn’t coming with me.

Keeping a positive outlook, knowing it will only be a matter of time until she’s completely mine, I take ahold of her hand and walk her up the steps to the front door.

“Hello there. I’m Amanda,” I hear called out. I look up and see Kendall’s mom. They are the spitting image of each other.

“Hi, I’m Declan Williams.” I reach my arm out to shake her hand. Only she hugs me instead.

“I have heard so much about you,” she says as she pulls back and goes to Kendall and kisses her cheek. I see Kendall is blushing and this woman, she never ceases to amaze me.

“I hope it was all good,” I say with a smile, trying to hold my laughter in.

“Absolutely. Come on in.” She opens the door and holds it for Kendall and me.

Kendall takes her suitcase from my hand and says, “I’ll be right back. I’m going to change really quick and put this in my room.”

She leaves me in the kitchen with her mom. I watch as she walks away, she doesn’t know it yet but every time she leaves, she takes a piece of my heart with her.

“Have a seat. I just made some banana cake this morning.” Amanda brings the cake pan over along with plates and cuts everyone a generous portion.

I’m taking my first bite when Kendall comes back in. Her hair is down and in waves. It’s so long it’s skimming her ass. An ass I want in my hands. I squirm in my chair trying to relieve some of the pressure building in my jeans. She has on an oversized shirt, but has it tied into a knot on the side, and it’s paired with denim shorts. Shorts that show off her amazing legs. I’ve seen many sides of Kendall and I have to say this may just be my favorite version of her.


Declan meeting my mom was surreal. I wasn’t nervous at all and thank goodness she didn’t completely gush about how I have had a crush on him for a while now.

Before he left, he let me know that he had a few things to wrap up at the office, but he’d be calling later that night.

He held true to his word and has called or texted me every day this week. We’ve talked till well into the night. Until I was yawning so much, he would finally hang up with me to get some sleep.

Now it’s Saturday evening, and I have a date with Declan. He told me to dress comfortably. I did as he said and put on a pair of comfortable jogger style pants, a white v-neck tee, and slipped my feet into a pair of canvas shoes. My hair is down and in its usual messy waves.

I’m sitting on the front porch in the rocking chair we have set out here. I’m basically looking at nothing but the neighbors coming and going. I can hear children laughing in the distance.

It makes me yearn for that. I want a husband and children, and I want that with Declan. I’m so lost in thought, I didn’t realize he was even here until I feel his fingertips run down the shell of my ear.

“Declan!” I exclaim and then I’m up and in his arms. He holds me tight to him and I bask in him.

He kisses me. It’s just a fast peck on the lips, but I want more. No, I need more but I know my mom is probably looking out through the curtains at us. So, I don’t ask for more.

“Ready?” he asks. I nod my head yes and say, “Whenever you are.”

Once we’re both in the car I ask, “Where are we going?”

“Back to my place. I was going to take you out to dinner or even out dancing, but I don’t want to share you with the world just yet,” he grumbles.

“I like that idea. I’m a homebody if I’m not working or traveling,” I tell him as I take his hand in mine. The feel of his palm pressed against mine, it’s soothing to my soul.

“I was hoping you’d like my idea.” He says with a wink and returns his eyes to the road.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance