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During the last week, he’d discovered how spacious his heart actually was. Holly had sneaked in. Somehow, she’d uncovered the key. Jack hadn’t planned to fall in love with her. Yet, when he brought her into his home and introduced her to his son, he’d known she was the one.

The one he’d been searching for his whole life. He just hadn’t let it materialize on a conscious level.

He sighed and gently laid his palm on his son’s chest. He loved this child more than anything. He’d die for his little boy. If anyone dared to harm him? Such a perpetrator had better look to God for forgiveness, for he’d get none from Jack.

Sam’s heartbeat fluttered beneath Jack’s fingertips and his chest rose and fell with each shallow breath of sleep.

Holly had hurt Sam.

Sam had wandered into the barn during mid morning, his big brown eyes wide and confused. "Luisa says Holly left."

Jack had turned from his chore. "What?"

"Yeah. She was supposed to go riding with us again but she left."

"Oh God." Jack’s heart had plummeted to his stomach. Something was wrong. She wouldn’t just...take off.

"How’d she go? She doesn’t have her car."

"Carlos took her."

He had scooped Sam into his arms and carried him quickly back to the house. "Luisa!" He slammed the door. "Luisa, where are you?"

She’d come running. "I’m here. Goodness, what’s wrong?"

"Where’s Holly?"

"She had to go. Carlos drove her home."

"Why? What happened?"

"She just said she was sorry. That something came up."

"Is she okay?"

"Yes. She was fine when she left here. She said she’d call you later."

"Oh. Thank goodness."

"Does that mean she’s not goin’ ridin’ with us today, Daddy?" Sam’s big eyes held sadness.

"I’m afraid so, pal," Jack had said, kneeling down to face his son. "But I’m sure she’ll come back soon to go ridin’."

"But she promised."

"I know. I’m sure she has a good reason why she can’t go today. Tell you what, we’ll go ridin’ anyway. Just you and me. How does that sound?"

Sam had sniffed. "Yeah, that’d be good I guess."

Jack had spent the rest of the day with his son. His heart drank in the pleasure of being with his little boy. When Sam had fallen asleep to a story of the Old West, he’d had an innocent smile on his face.

He’d finally stopped wondering why Holly hadn’t stayed to spend the rest of the weekend.

Jack had taken care of his son, made sure he was happy and unhurt, because that’s what a father did.

No one existed to take away Jack’s own hurt.

Nearly midnight, and here he sat, watching his son sleep. How was it possible Sam had been so upset by Holly’s departure? He’d known her only two days.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic