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"Anyone can ride a horse, Holly. We all start out the way you’re starting out. It’s completely normal."

"Come on, Jack. You look like you were born on a horse."

"Hell, no. I did my share of fallin’ the first day. You’re doin’ way better than I did."

"You were four."

He chuckled. "I suppose it helped that I had no fear. Four-year-olds don’t, as a rule. But as an adult learnin’, you have sense enough not to spook the horse. So you’re ahead of me."

"I don’t particularly feel ahead of anyone at the moment."

Plunk, plunk. The bones in her butt ached. Weren’t butts supposed to have lots of cushy insulation?

Jack whistled to Sam. "Turn around, pal. I think Holly’s had enough for this mornin’."

"Oh, I hate to cut his ride short."

"No worries. I can take him out again this afternoon if he wants. Or he can ride by himself, as long as he stays close to the house."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure, I’m sure. We’ll have loads more opportunities to bring you out here."

Holly’s insides squeezed together. There wouldn’t be loads more opportunities. This was probably the only time she’d visit Jack’s ranch and the only time she’d ride a horse.

"Besides," he continued, "you need to get back to check on that great meal you put in the oven before we left, right?" He winked.

"Not really. It bakes for several hours. I don’t need to do anything."

"I was tryin’ to give you an easy way out, sugar. I know your posterior’s hurtin’."

Holly sighed. It was, at that. The massage Jack had mentioned was sounding pretty darn good.

* * * *

She was sitting on a hemorrhoid donut pillow.

Her humiliation was now complete.

Thank God she hadn’t fallen off Ladybelle. That would have been the ultimate embarrassment. Right. As if the donut weren’t enough.

Luisa had brought her the pillow after lunch. She’d said it had been her mother’s.

Of course, Holly was old enough to be Luisa’s mother–her young mother, but mother nonetheless.

She sighed and brought another forkful of Boeuf Bourguignon to her mouth. At least her dinner had come off with

out a hitch. Jack hadn’t stopped raving about it. Even Sam was gobbling it up and Luisa had told her the little boy could be picky.

Watching him with Jack was a joy. Their easy banter, the closeness between them, made Holly wonder about Jack’s birth mother. Who was she? Holly had given Jack the names of a few good family lawyers in Denver. She shuddered to think what might happen if the woman showed up and demanded rights to her son, or worse, sued for custody. That would kill Jack.

Hate for the woman who’d borne Sam bristled at Holly’s neck. That dumb woman didn’t know how lucky she was. How could she have abandoned such a sweet little boy? What Holly wouldn’t give to….

No. Such thoughts had no place.

She’d ask Jack about the situation once Sam was in bed tonight. That’s the least she could do since a long term relationship between them wasn’t possible. She’d see that he got a good family law attorney and make sure all paperwork regarding Sam was in order.

After dinner, they sat on the deck while Sam ran around the yard with Jack’s dogs, Lacy and Max, two happy and panting Golden Retrievers.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic