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But another one-nighter wasn’t possible. That wasn’t who she was. Jack didn’t want her for the long haul, and who could blame him?

She pushed him away and ducked under his arms.


"I’m sorry," she said, standing next to the door. "I really need you to go now."


"Please, Jack."

He walked toward her and smiled. "That’s the first time you’ve called me by my name. I like that."

Why was he so damn sweet? How was she supposed to get rid of him when he made her skin tingle and her heart race?

There was one way.

"I’m forty, you know."

His eyebrows arched. "No, I didn’t know. You don’t look a day over thirty."

"So you can see the problem."

"What the hell problem are you talking about?"

"Well, clearly I’m a lot older than you are."

He shook his head, his eyes wide. "You really think I give a rat’s ass about your age?"

A prickle of defensiveness speared into Holly. "How old are you anyway? Thirty-two? Thirty-three?"

There went the lazy half-smile again. The one that made her heart go pitter-pat. "Twenty-nine, actually."

"Dear God." Holly’s body thudded against the wooden door.


"What do you mean ‘what?’?" That’s a difference of over ten years!"

He let out a chuckle, then said in an exaggerated drawl, "I done figured that out. Even a cowpoke like me knows how to cipher, ma’am."

"Stop making fun of me."

"Why not, Holly? You’re bein’ silly."

"Silly? You’re young. You’re...well, I’ll just say it. You’re freaking hot. You can have anyone you want."

"Right now, I want you."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow, I’m pretty sure I’ll still want you. And the next day."

"And after that?"

"Christ, Holly. You want a fuckin’ commitment here? It’s not going to happen, at least not yet. I’m attracted to you. I’m hot for you. I’m so damn hard right now I think I could cut through diamonds. I’d like to get to know you—inside and outside the bedroom. If that isn’t enough for you, well, maybe I should go."

Now he was talking sense. As much as she desired him, wanted him, nothing could ever come of it, for reasons she wasn’t ready to tell him or anyone else.

Tags: Helen Hardt The Cougar Chronicles Erotic