Page 56 of Her Two Lovers

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“I’m not scared.”

“We’re going to shift for you,” Landon said. “It’s painful to shift, but it’s also empowering. We enjoy it. So when we cry out, don’t be alarmed.”


They stood, both naked and beautiful, and walked across the room, away from the bed.

“We need room,” Nick said. “That’s why our cabin is so big.”

Erin’s mind whirled. Lions? Completely impossible.

“Aaaauuugh!” Nick ground out. The pain sliced through the air in the room.

Erin watched, mesmerized, as golden brown hair sprouted from his skin and his body changed form.

Her heart ached. Oddly, she felt very little fear. Yet each snap of bone, each stretch of tendon rang in her ears and jolted through her body as if she herself were changing. But while she experienced the change, felt the wonder of it, the pain eluded her.

A beautiful animal was stealing Nick’s shape. His jaw became more square, his head more round. As his nose morphed into a feline snout, sharp cuspids replaced human teeth. Hands and feet became padded paws, and the regal animal dropped to all fours. Lastly, his glorious mane sprouted like golden silk around his majestic head.

When the lion stood before her, his dark eyes smoldering, she stiffened.

“He won’t hurt you, Erin,” Landon said. “He’s still Nick. He’s still in his own mind.”

Her emotions tumbled. Here came the fear. But also wonder. Her heart exploded with feeling, pure and awesome.

“My turn.”

Landon cried out the same anguished moan. Again bones cracked, muscles shifted, hair grew, and again, the force of the change threaded through Erin. Landon shifted to the pale lion, almost white in the artificial light of the cabin. Searing blue eyes graced his leonine face. The tresses of his long mane swirled as he shook as a dog does after a bath.

They’d seemed catlike to her all night. The purring. The touching. Even the growling. Their beautiful slanted eyes. How they liked to rub against her.

But lions?

The evidence stood in front of her. She rose slowly, the backs of her knees pressing against the bed.

The darker one—Nick—advanced. A low growl rumbled across the thick nighttime air inside the cabin. She felt more than heard it.

Inside her mind a voice emerged. It’s me. Nick. Don’t be afraid. I won’t harm you.

He walked slowly, the pads of his lion paws tapping softly on the plush carpeting.

He was so big! No wonder this cabin was huge. That mouth, those teeth—he could gobble her up in an instant.

Touch me, Erin.

Seemingly of their own volition, her fingers inched forward and buried themselves in the feathery golden mane. Warmth spread through her. The hair was coarse, yet soft, and it slid through her fingers like strands of linen thread.

Don’t leave me out in the cold.

Landon’s deep voiced hummed in her mind, and the pale lion crept forward with stealth. Soon she was caught between the two beasts, naked, their fur rubbing against her in slick vibrations. So warm. So amazing, the sensation of their giant animal bodies caressing her.

She closed her eyes, and their roars shook the room. When she opened her eyes, Nick and Landon, in human form, rubbed against her, one cupping her breasts, the other her ass cheeks.

“Will you, Erin?” Nick’s voice was different. Deeper, more rumbly. Not quite human yet.

“Yes, love.” Landon this time. “Will you?”

“Will I what?”

Tags: Helen Hardt Erotic