Page 17 of Can't Walk Away

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I sit behind my seat and my door is opening and slamming closed again. I look up and Chey is here. Fuck, I don’t want her to see what’s about to go down here when her father comes and picks her mother up.

“Hey, Baby. I forgot my laptop bag here and need it for a last-minute revision,” she smiles at me. She stops in her tracks when she sees her mom passed out on my office couch.

“What is my mother doing here and is she okay?” she questions.

“She came in here on a tear. Apparently, she’s drunk, but your dad is on his way to come pick her up,” I say as I get up to meet her at the door. I’m about ready to say fuck it and leave for the day.

“Dad said the divorce papers were being sent to her this weekend after he brought the rest of my clothes and trinkets I had boxed up from long ago. I guess he wasn’t kidding,” she shakes her head. She’s lost in her own thoughts when Phil barges in.

It’s like grand central station today. Yep. After Phil and Debra leave, I’m closing the shop and going home with my woman. I’ve had about all I can take with Debra and her drama.

“Come out front with me, Honey,” I say as I guide Chey to the door. I’m not quick enough though.

“You slut! You are the one that ruined every fucking thing in my life. My figure, my past, my present, and my future!” she exclaims pointing at Cheyenne.

“That’s fucking enough, Debra. You could have left. I would have gladly raised Cheyenne on my own. Even with everything you’ve done, I stayed with you. Shit woman, haven’t you done enough?” he roars.

I take that as my que to leave. I know Chey and Phil have been slowly working on their relationship and I don’t want anything that comes out of Debra’s mouth to back track their progress.

“Phil, let Derrick know when you leave. He’ll lock up the place for me,” I say with a nod and guide Cheyenne to my truck. I know she drove her car, but after that scene, my goal is to get her out of here and fast.

“Well, today sure has been surprising. Who knew my mother could be so vindictive,” she says on a shudder once we’re in the truck and on our way home.

“People show their true colors when money comes into play, Honey,” I hold her hand in mine as we head to the house.



Today has been a whirlwind. I never thought my mother would go so far off her rocker. My dad said it would get dirty and he let me in on some of the dark secrets he’s kept from me. Things that kept him from being the father he should have; it’s going to take a long time and a lot of work until our relationship is fixed. The way he’s been handling things though, I have no doubt in my mind that he’ll fix it. Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he apologized to me. This big burly man was crying. It hurt to watch him go through the emotions, yet I didn’t give in easily. I couldn’t and I wouldn’t. He understood when I told him, the ball is in his court and it’s up to him how the future unfolds. He hugged me and said, “Love you, Chey-Chey.” He calls me or texts me daily and he’s making it a point to see me as much as possible, even if it’s just for coffee. He’s truly trying.

Jase and I are sitting on the couch in the living room. I’m lying on top of him as he finds something for us to watch. After this afternoon’s fiasco, we came home and decided to order some pizza and relax on the couch.

The want I feel for him hasn’t subsided at all; in fact it’s probably gotten to where I need him more and more each day.

He’s holding me with one arm and his hand is on the remote. Once he finds a baseball game to watch he throws the remote towards the ottoman. Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve slowly moved some of my things out of storage and Jase’s house has become our home. A lot of my stuff will be donated. Things that were duplicate and if his was in better shape than mine, it only made sense.

We both changed when we got home. I hopped in the shower and let the water melt away the drama of the day and threw on a pair of cotton shorts and tank top and Jase opted for his loose cotton shorts. I’ve come to love seeing him wear those around the house. They hang deliciously low on his waist and show his happy trail that leads to his cock.

Tags: Tory Baker Romance