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“That reminds me,” Daniel went on. “There’s a new theatre opening the evening of the solstice. I made a sizeable contribution, and the proprietor has asked that we be his guests for the evening. A box has been reserved for us. I hope you’ll all join Lily and me.”

“That’s sounds heavenly, Daniel,” Lily said.

“Oh, yes,” Ally agreed. “It’s been so long since we’ve been to the theatre.”

“Ally, we’ve never been to the theatre,” Sophie said.

“That’s certainly a long time, don’t you think?” Alexandra giggled.

Soon the whole table was laughing. Ally had that effect on people.

“I think that sounds wonderful,” Maggie said. “You must be speaking of Zach Newland’s new enterprise.”

“The actor?” Alexandra asked.

“The one and only,” Daniel said. “And yes, Mother, the Regal is his venture.”

“Oh, he is absolutely to die for!” Alexandra exclaimed.

“Have you seen his work?” Maggie asked.

“Heavens, no,” Alexandra said. “Sophie is correct. We’ve never been to the theatre. But I’ve seen portraits of him. He is exquisite.”

“Goodness, Ally,” her mother admonished.

“I’m right, Mother.”

“Of course you’re right, but goodness,” Iris said again.

“There will be plenty of room in the box if you would like to ask Lord Brighton to join us,” Daniel said to Iris.

“That is very generous of you,” Iris replied. “I’ll speak to him when he arrives tomorrow.”

“And Xavier too,” he said to Rose.

Rose’s cheeks burned. “That is kind of you, Daniel, but Lord Evan and I aren’t…that is…we have discontinued our courtship.”

“I didn’t know,” Daniel said. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I’m sorry, Daniel,” Lily said. “I haven’t had a chance to fill you in on everything yet.”

“It’s fine, Lily,” Rose said. Then, to Daniel, “It was a mutual decision.” Good Lord, would someone please change the subject? She didn’t want to go into any more detail about Evan, especially since she planned to marry him anyway after his father’s wedding. She gave Lily a pleading glance.

Lily cleared her throat. “The theatre sounds wonderful. What are they opening with, Daniel?”

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”

“One of my favorites!” Alexandra gushed. “Mr. Newland will make a wonderful Oberon.”

“I don’t know which part he chose for himself,” Daniel said, “but I’ve no doubt the production will be a hit.”

“I can’t wait,” Alexandra said. “You are too kind to all of us, Your Grace.”

“No more Your Grace,” Daniel said. “We’re all family now.”

“Heavens, yes,” Lily agreed. “Unless you’d like to start calling me Your Grace, Ally. I think I could get used to that.”

Everyone at the table erupted in cheerful laughter. Everyone except for Rose. Unseen by the others, she ran her palm smoothly across her abdomen, thinking about Cameron’s babe slumbering inside. How happy she should be, to be carrying the child of the man she loved. How happy indeed.

Tags: Helen Hardt Sex and the Season Erotic