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“My. You are smitten, aren’t you? She’s a lucky woman. Tell me, who is she?”

“I’d rather not say.”


“She’s a lady of the peerage.”

“Oh. Doesn’t she return your feelings?”

“She does, but I fear we may never be together. It won’t work out. We’re from two different worlds.”

“Are you planning to propose to her?”

“No, actually.”


“I’d rather not discuss this.” He rose. “Thank you for the meal and your company. I enjoyed both very much. And I hope…”


“I hope there won’t be any…discomfort between us.”

“Of course not.”

“And I hope you won’t withdraw your support of the Regal because of…how this evening ended.”

“No, Mr. Price. Zachary and I go way back, and I believe in his endeavor. As a matter of fact, it took me several attempts before he landed in my bed.” She smiled. “I don’t think I’ll give up on you just yet.”

“Are you and Newland still involved?”

“No. We tired of each other. But it was fun while it lasted.”

“I see.” He took her hand and brushed his lips lightly over her fingers. “You’ve been a pleasant diversion this evening. Part of me wishes I could stay.”

“I’m flattered.”

“Good evening. I’ll see myself out.”

Chapter Thirteen

Rose awoke to pounding on her chamber door. She stood, nearly falling over from dizziness. She was coming down with something. She had been nauseated and dizzy for the past several days, and she couldn’t stand the sight of food. She had decided to sleep most of the day. Aunt Iris’s wedding was only four days away, and she wanted to be well by then.

The pounding continued.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” she said.

She opened the door.

“Rose!” her sister cried.

“Lily, what on earth? You weren’t supposed to be home until the solstice.”

“That’s only three days from now, dear. You might be a bit happier to see me.”

“Oh, I am, I am.” Rose hugged her sister, pulling her into the room. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you. I’ve been dying to talk to you. When did you get in?”

“Late last night. Daniel and I were so fatigued we just fell into bed. But I was up with the birds this morning. I couldn’t wait to see everyone.”

Tags: Helen Hardt Sex and the Season Erotic