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“Good afternoon.” Cam held out his hand. “I am looking for work.”

“Are you an actor?”

“No. A composer, actually.”

“Hmm. Published?”

“Yes. Two pieces published in London. A folk tune and a waltz.”

“No experience in composing for the theatre, then?”

“I’m afraid not. But I feel certain that I could do it.”

“Where did you study?”

Cameron sighed. This was always the question he dreaded. “I’m purely self-taught.”

“Oh.” Newland pulled his timepiece from his pocket, looked at it, and frowned. “I’m on my way out, but if you’d like to leave me a calling card, perhaps I’ll get back to you. However, I’m afraid I can’t offer you much promise.”

“Of course, I understand.” Cameron reached in his pocket and pulled out a card with his name and address written on it and handed it to the gentleman. “Here you are. Thank you for your time.” He turned and headed toward the door.

“Wait.” Newland came up behind him. “You’re Cameron Price?”


“That name sounds familiar to me. You say you’ve been published?”


“Perhaps I am familiar with your work.”

“It’s possible, tho

ugh neither was widely distributed. I was young and unfortunately didn’t really know how to market my music. I chose a small publishing house and wasn’t paid much.”

“You don’t say.” Newland scratched his head, regarding Cameron as though he were trying to solve a riddle. Suddenly his eyes widened. “Wait here, will you?” Newland briskly walked into another room and came back holding a piece of music. “Did you write this?”

Cameron took the parchment. It was a copy of Lily’s Waltz. “Yes, I did. But I’m not sure how you came upon it. It was a private commission for the Duke of Lybrook.”

Newland chuckled. “The duke sent it to me, along with a sizable donation to the theatre. His father was a great patron of the arts and was one of the Theatre Royal’s greatest benefactors.”

“I see. Why would Lybrook send you my waltz?”

“He suggested that I might find it interesting.”

“And did you?” Cameron dared to hope.

“As a matter of fact, I did. It’s a beautiful piece. You are quite talented. I never would have guessed that you received no formal training.”

“Thank you, Mr. Newland.”

“Tell me, would you be interested in serving as the house composer for the Regal Theatre?”

Cameron nearly jumped out of his skin. “Yes, definitely.” Then, “But…would you have given me a second look if the duke hadn’t sent you my piece?”

Newland laughed heartily. “Absolutely not.”

Tags: Helen Hardt Sex and the Season Erotic